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Well, it's been ages since I've ranted. Sorry, I've been typing things down but when I read over them, they just don't sound good. Oh and this rant will contain some vulgar language so just a warning :3

Well, today, I was in my advanced Spanish class and my teacher was preparing us for a field trip we have later this week. She was only focusing on like 3 students, so I basically had the entire class for some free time.

There are three people who sit behind me and since I'm such a loner (;-;) I was all alone. Suddenly, they started talking about something that is just so... Fucking shallow.

Basically, one of them was like, "We should rate people based on their appearance," well they didn't exactly say that but that's basically what they meant.

So then these three shallow assholes looked around the classroom, saying like, "Oh she's a 7." "She's a 2"

At first, I didn't care too much about it. I just carried on with what I was doing.

What really got to me though was when one of them said, "She's a fucking -5. She's fucking ratchet and her hair is so fucking ugly. Her clothes is crap, too."

Then they looked at another girl, and said, "She's a 6. She'd be an 8 but her nose is ugly."

Like holy shit people are such damn low lives! It's so immature to just rate someone based on their motherfucking appearance.

One of the worst parts is that I'm so shy in person. If I hadn't been shy, I would've spoken up because these immature bitches need to learn to grow the fuck up.

But I just know that if I were to say something to them, they'd be ignorant and not care. That's how people like them are at my school. Shit goes through one ear and out the fucking other.

This kind of crap is so frustrating. Lots of people develop self esteem issues due to people acting this way. Like shit boy, if people rated based on personality, these dicks would get a fucking -10.


Hey everyone I missed you guys :'3 sorry this has lots of vulgar language. This is just something that really pissed me off.


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