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Last Friday at school, some idiots started a food fight. I'm pretty sure it was like 5 people who were involved.

But for some apparent reason, my dumb principal thought it'd be smart to punish my entire grade. Including the people who weren't involved. This really pissed me off.

Like first of all, the people who started the food fight didn't directly get a punishment. Second, my damn fucking principal wanted to punish everyone for something 5 stupid people did? What the fuck.

As punishment, during lunchtime, we are to sit in assigned seats, far from all our friends. Today we even had to go to the auditorium for some dumb speech about respect or whatever. But I wasn't listening because I didn't care.

So yeah. This punishment is gonna go on for like 3 weeks. This is why I fucking hate my school and 95% of the people in it.


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