School So Far

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Ayy I realized it was a while since I've uploaded a rant, and today something pissed me off so I decided, hey, why not.~

School so far is actually pretty chill. My grades are not the best but I will still pass. My friends are nice and supportive. (For the most part) And the school year has flown by surprisingly fast. It feels like summer vacation ended a month ago when it actually ended like almost four months ago.

Some bad things though are that I get so freaking stressed. The work is not always easy. Some people like to fucking create drama. And I feel like my insomnia is slowly coming back. The most sleep I've gotten was a long nap I took on Thanksgiving break.

Also, today, something genuinely pissed me off.

There's this petty, immature girl I know from like three years ago that went to my middle school that oh my fucking God.. She's just so... I can't even put in words how much she annoys me. I'll just call her Petty for this rant because I don't wanna say her real name. Also, the name suits her.

Well, to begin, she doesn't like me. Why, you may ask? I don't know. I genuinely have no fucking idea to why she hates me or despises me or whatever. When I met her, I thought she was actually a good person. Like she was nice, had the same interests as me. Petty was a cool person, but boiii was I wrong.

In seventh grade, so like two years ago, she dated my best friend shortly after she came out as lesbian. They broke up like six months later. She really hurt my friend, like it was so bad, that I shouldn't really go into depth about it.

Then in eight grade, they fucking date again. I thought my friend had learned her lesson, but no. I was so against it because my friend was so hurt, in more than one way.

So, they break up six months later. Shocker. Once again my friend ends up hurt.

Petty ended up being rude to me like half way through the relationship after they got back together. I hadn't really expressed how much I despised them being together again. I didn't really talk to her. So I really didn't see why she was rude to me.

So Petty then talks shit about me and involves everyone I associate with. In my little friend group, she picked on all of them. She talked so much shit. Petty made up rumors that weren't true. Okay I understand her picking on me or whatever but this bitch decided to involve my innocent friends? What the fuck?

Well, eighth grade ended and then she ended up going to the same high school as me. Fantastic -_-

So every time my best friend walks by her, Petty yells "Trash" to her. My friend moved on quickly after their second break up, so I guess Petty was just mad that she didn't care about her anymore? I don't know. My best friend has a boyfriend now so she really doesn't give a fuck.

I don't have any classes with Petty, but I do pass her in the hallway a lot. She doesn't even look at me, but I've heard people say that she talks shit about me, which I find so fucking funny honestly. Petty can't do anything directly to me, making her a damn coward. I haven't had a reason to call her out because she hasn't done anything directly. She can keep talking shit like the coward she is honestly.

So back to what happened today.

There's these two really cool girls what would be considered "emo". They're nice, funny, and cool. I have the class right before lunch with them so I always walk to lunch with them and eat with them. Petty hung out with them before I got close to them, but then they stopped hanging out with her and decided to sit with me. I found this kind of weird since I'm not social at all. But I got close to them and they're really good friends.

Every day they dress in black, wear band t shirts, and they obsess over things that would be considered "emo". So today, someone told me that Petty said,

"I can't believe I used to hang out with those emo freaks."

I honestly did not give a fuck about anything she has said behind my back. But when she said that about my friends? Oh my god, I felt really angered.

Petty has basically the same interests as my two friends. For example, Petty obsessed over My  Chemical Romance just like my friends. Basically they like the same bands and what not. So technically, she would be considered an "emo freak" as well.

I knew that Petty only said that about them because they hang out with me everyday. Wow, guess she's just jealous they ditched her rude ass to hang out with me? I guess so.

Thanks for reading.


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