The New Encounter

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Brook was sitting on the ground leaning on a tree in the park quietly head banging away to My Chemical Romance. An unfamiliar face suddenly appeared, seemingly out of no where, came up to her and asked
"Are you okay? You looked like your head was going to spring out of the socket!" Brook half heartedly took out an earphone and glared at the girl.
"I'm Mavis, by the way, and who may you be?" She made a gestured as if she wanted to shake Brooks hand.
"Cool name." Mavis sat down beside Brook and saw what she was listening to and she jumped up and said
"Are you a fan of MCR???"
"Yes, why are you?" Brook replyed getting excited.
"Duh! They're amazing!"
"What albums your favourite?"
" 'Brought you my bullets, You brought me your love.' " They both fell into a deep conversation about there new found interests.

"Hey Brook, Alex is on the drums and she is being so loud, I had to get some fresh air...oh hi I'm Ruby. I'm one of Brooks roomates."
"Uh cool I'm Mavis and I just met Brook after I saw her brain nearly fall"
"Oh my god, you should totally come over tonight! All of us are ordering a pizza to get to know each other, why don't you bring your roomates and we can all hang out." Ruby enquired.
"Yeah, please come!" Brook pleaded.
"Sure, why not, but not my roomates because they all suck. What room?"
"Really, that's great! My room is just down the hall from there." Mavis glanced at her watch and her eyes widened.
"Oh shoot I am gonna be late for class. I need to go!" As she ran Brook and Ruby waved reluctantly but they were excited about the night ahead.

To be continued...

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