Chapter 7: You knew

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Sorry the previous chapter was so short.
Hope you guys enjoy this one.

______________•°•°☆°•°•_____________ By the time we got to the great Hall where the ball was being held, the ball was in full swing already. The music was on full force. As we walked you could feel the music thrumming through our body, like it was part of us.

"Well M'lady." Mystery guy said in a terrible British accent "want something to drink?"

"I'd love some, kind sir." I said, my accent probably coming out worse that his. As he walked away to get the drinks, I took the chance to look around during at the hall.
It was decorated with lights dangling from the ceiling. The DJ was off to the side in the opposite side of the room. The rest was all dance floor.

I scanned everyone one the dance floor. Girls dresses varied from long to short and every colour you could imagine.

As I stood there, I knew a few people must be checking me out too. A few girls where giving me dirty look, while boys looked at me with hunger in their eyes.

"You Cassie right? The girl who came with Damon." A girl asked me, but sounded more like a statement.

"Yes. What about it?" I asked, not falling for her nice girl act. I know her type, act all sweet and innocent, but all they want is to be your friend to stab you in the back.

And yes Damon is my mystery guy. I learned his name that day at the mall. I wasn't surprised though. Since everyone knows him or of him. Gabby, Kelly and Mia were all over me when they saw us together. There was no one to stop them from long.


"Nope, don't mention it." I held up my hand as I interrupted Kelly from commenting.

"You know Damon?" So his name is Damon. It really suits him. It's nice you put a name with the face, but that doesn't help with our whole mystery thing we got going on.

"Yeah," I replied, showing I didn't want to talk about it.


So yes, I have known Demon's name for a while now, but I wasn't going to tell him. I want to see where this whole thing is going.

"What do you want Rachel?" Damon said from behind me, I didn't even notice he had come back with our drinks. "Spying for Chris as usual?"

"I was just trying to make a new friend."

Yeah sure, I thought to myself. "Sure you are, " Damon responded I swear he read my mind. Damon didn't wait for her to respond, he took me by the hand and guided my away from the he dance floor to a more secluded space.

"Sorry about that," he scratched the back of his head looking embarrassed.

"It's fine. The girls are just after some Damon blood." I smiled at him, trying to make him feel better.

"What did you just say?"

"The girls are after your blood?" I asked, not sure what he was looking for.

"No, you said my name."

"Oh, that."

"How long have you known?"

"Just two days. Since that day at the mall."

"Then I still win." He smirked. What is this boy talking about. Win what?

"What are you talking about?"

"I found out you name first, my dear Cassidy," annoyingly sexy smirk going.

"Well then why continue this secretive shit?" I asked, acting casual.

Damon didn't respond immediately, he just looked down into my eyes. The intensity of this moment wasn't sitting well with me. The more I looked up at him the more fine details I noticed. Like the laugh lines by his eyes even though I've never even seen him give a proper smile.

"Let's just say I like mysteries and you are one I want to unravel." I'm sure if he meant it to sound as sexy as my mind was replaying in it me.
He gave me that smirk I was beginning to grow accustomed to. "Let's dance, M'lady," going back to our more casual vibe.

We been dancing for a while, didn't mingle much with anyone else. We were getting strange looks from everyone, it was funny, but annoying at first, now I didn't even notice it. The DJ had been playing fast songs for most of the evening and decided now was the time to bring it down.

Damon placed his hands on my hip and brought our bodies closer together. I laid my head on his chest and wrapped my arms around his neck. We were just swaying with the music when I heard the annoying voice of Chris. Way to spoil the moment.

"So it's this skank now?" Chris questioned. "You just gonna fuck her and throw her away like you did with the rest of us?" Chris went ranting on, Damon didn't seem phased, he didn't even bother responding to her. I on the other hand was not going to let her go on.

"Excuse me, but I ain't no skank Bitch." I stepped up to her. "I'm not the one crawling around after some guy that don't want me."

"Was I talking to you?"

"I'm talking to you."

"Damon wants me, he's just using you to make me jealous, like all the other times and like all the other times we will end up together in the end."

"Well go ahead, you can have him. He's not my man," I smirked, she didn't react. Chris just huffed and looked at Damon waiting for him to say something.

I decided now would be a good time as ever to walk away. I hadn't even taken a few steps when someone grabbed me from behind. "Hey,where you going?"

"Out of here and away from her," I looked back to where Chris was standing wrapped around Kyle's arm while still glaring at us.

"Scared of Chris?"

"As if," I chuckled, "She like a chihuahua; all bark, no bite and annoying as hell."

"Jealous then," I looked up at him and laughed again.

"What is there to be jealous of." With that I walked away.



I wana run some character choices with you guys. So I will be posting some photos of who I think the characters should be or as close as I could fine anyway.

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