Chapter 13: Testing theories

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Planning phase one of SHITFACE:
Get dog shit. I found out there was an animal shelter not far from the campus and since Gabby insisted she help in same way, was going to drive me there Sunday.
Planning phase two of SHITFACE:
Find best place to have prank play out.
Hallway in front of Math class, as the bell rings for lunch to have most of the school witness it.
Planning phase three of SHITFACE:

Monday came around and I had everything prepared. The veterinarians didn't understand why I was looking for dog shit, but I explained to them it was for a biology project, so I got something even better. Horse shit. Getting that back to campus was not pleasant at all, I owe Gabby a car wash. I let the girls in on how everything was going to happen; they were going to make sure they were there in time for the show.
Lunch was the perfect timing, because most if not all teachers left their classrooms at the same time as the learners. I had the bucket of horse shit hanging over the door to Mr. Green's classroom; I was going to trigger it as soon as he walked out. I had a camera set up right across to get the perfect view and made sure there was nothing that would incriminate me or the girls, except the little letter I left for Mr. Green, that I knew only he would be able to figure out.

I had skipped the entire 4th period to setup. It was finally time, the bell rang and I took my place. The first of the students walked out and they happened to be Damon and Chase. Mr. Green followed not too long after. I cut the string and down fell the bucket of shit, a few splatters fell on students that where nearby, but that was minor collateral damage. The hall was deadly quietly, no one understanding what happened and then all at once everyone was laughing hysterically.

I looked across the hall and saw the girls standing there laughing there asses off. More people started crowding the hall around Mr. Green to see what had happened. Eventually teachers started showing up and students started dispersing.
Mr. Green was wiping the shit off his face, his face was blood red. As he wiped he found my letter which had stuck to his face, that's my queue. I made sure he got the letter now the waiting begins. If Mr. Green is as clever has I suspect him to be he should figure out the letter soon enough.

I made my way to the cafeteria and sat down with the girls who were still chuckling over the prank, like most of the other students as well. I just sent them a wink, they all knew not to mention it, I wasn't giving anything away.

"Babe! Cassie!" someone yelled out. That someone sounding like Jason.

"Did you just call me babe?" I raised an eyebrow at him, keeping my voice monotone.

"Yes?" Jason said, but then laughed, "You know your stone cold attitude won't work with me. I can see the little girl underneath," he whispered into my ear.

"So tell me oh wise one. What do you want?"

"Come sit with us," He pointed to the table where the rest of the guys where sitting. Chase staring at his phone, Corey flirting with someone at the table next to them and Damon, staring at a wall like it killed his dog.

"Looks very inviting," my sarcasm thick, I even did an eye roll.

"I'll be there to entertain you. And you know as soon as you there, they gonna give you their undivided attention." Jason pouted.
Jason walked away and joined the boys. The girls looked back at me shocked. "Why would you say no to an invitation to sit there?" Kelly muttered, "As long as those boys have been at the top, they have never invited anyone to sit there. Everything you have done with them lately is pretty remarkable for a new kid."

I thought about it for a while and made up my mind. "Let's test Jason's theory."

I threw a smirk to the girls as I walked over to the boys table. As I sat down, Jason was the first to look up at me. I put my finger on my lip to show him that he should keep quiet. Next was Chase to notice I was at the table, he noticed it was quiet and raised an eyebrow at it. I just smiled and showed him to keep quiet as well. Corey stopped, probably feeling something was up. He stopped talking top girl just like that like she meant nothing.

"Now that I got y'all attention," Jason pointed to Damon who looked like he was sleeping. "Oh no, I got his attention the moment I sat down," I smirked nudging Damon, who still didn't give me any acknowledgement.


"Jason told me to come over, and I wanted to see if his theory was correct. I must say I surprised to find he was right."

"Hey, I'm a smart guy." Jason defended, "anyway, did you see what happened to Mr. Green."

"That was some messed up shit," Damon commented, "A little amateur, but it takes guts to pulls a prank at this hell hole."

The rest of the boys murmured their agreements, "I wonder who it was?" Core asked.

"Well we may never know," I commented, not acknowledging that Damon said it was an amateur prank.

"We should definitely find out," Jason said giddily, "we need to see what competition we have going on."

"What do you mean," I played dumb.

"Well we're the only once at the school who ever attempt to pull pranks."

"Why is that?" I asked, still playing dumb.

"Cause we the best and no one else has the balls to break the rules. Not even you," Damon smirked.

"Oh really now." I raised an eyebrow at him.


"I disagree," Jason commented.

This went back and forth, Chase and Jason on my side and Corey with Damon. Damon refused to leave it at that.

"Well how do you suppose we settle this?"

"A friendly battle of paintball?" Corey suggested.

"How does that prove anything?"

"I don't know, but it's a lot of fun."

"Paintball it is!" Jason screamed, drawing the whole cafeterias attention. Well those who weren't already paying attention to us.

"Well we need to make this fair then," Chase voiced. "We need at least another person."

"A girl to be fair."

"Don't worry about me." I retorted, " I can handle myself."

"How about Saturday?" Chase suggested.

"Tomorrow?" Jason asked.

"So tomorrow?"

"Yeah, tomorrow you dumb ass!"


That evening I edited the video of Mr. Green. Making it repeat the part where the shit lands on him and echoing the laughter and adding other effects. I posted in on to my channel. Almost immediately people started viewing it.
My job is done, now to wait for it to go viral, my last thought before I went to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2016 ⏰

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