Chapter 12: Pranksters

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It’s been a week, and I am bored out of my mind. I think it’s time to get down and dirty. There are a few teachers who have made it on to my naughty list and a few students as well, but I think I’ll start small.

Mr. Green, an old and grumpy little man who gave me Mathematics.  It all started Wednesday, now as most people don’t know, I’m actually clever. I don’t flaunt it, but I could whip all these nerds asses in an academic competition, but I choose not to. Just keeping my straight A marks are good enough for me. On that pitiful Wednesday morning Mr. Green had to bring it up, but because he knows my history as most teachers do from reading my portfolio, he just assumed I didn’t earn those marks. The asshole accused me of cheating. He was sly about it though, not directly accusing me, but I knew.
So you can imagine how bad I wanted to get back at him, and not just by rubbing my straight A’s into his face. Maybe I should rub something else into his face.

“Cassie,” Gabby nudged me, “you were off in your own world. I don’t wanna know though; it looked like you were planning someone’s murder.” 

“As long as it’s your murder you don’t have to worry.” Gabby looked taken aback at first, but then smiled at me.

“Remember we’re friends now, you have to play nice.”

Yes, you heard correctly. Gabby, Mia, Kelly and I are all friends now. Well a little more than acquaintance. I have most of my classes with them. They sit with me, because they are the only ones who seem to be immune to my attitude. I didn’t mind it though, I liked scaring the other students and pissing off they ones who thought they were better than me. It served as entertainment.

I didn’t respond, so Gabby went on speaking. “What is going on in the creepy head of yours?” she went on whining for me to tell me what I was thinking about, she was becoming annoying. I was actually trying to figure out how I was going to plan my prank, but with her constant yapping in my head I was beginning to get a headache.
“I’ll tell you if you want to get expelled?” I whispered yelled to get her to shut up.

“Expelled?” She looked shock, “What are planning that could lead to expulsion?”

“You really want to know?” I faced her, raising an eyebrow.

She nodded yes; with so much enthusiasm I was rethinking telling her about my scheme.

“Well since Mr. Green has decided to take a disliking to me, I thought I might just play along,” I checked that Mr. Green didn’t catch us talking. “I’m planning with dog sh!t and his face,” I snickered, “ I haven’t found out how it’s going to work yet, but it has to be public and then be put onto YouTube are something. Hopefully it will go viral like the others.”


“Oh, you poor unfortunate girl. I’ll show you my YouTube page tonight.”

“You know we have strict rules about this. If they find out it's you, you’ll be expelled.”

“That’s the whole point. It will get a regular person expelled, but not me. Mr. Green will know it’s me, but he won’t be able to prove it.”

“You are so creepy.”

“Just wait and see,” I chuckled at her freaked out face. If she thought that was bad, she was going to love what I got planned for later in the year. I’m starting off slow.

The bell rang at 13h30, two hours earlier on a Friday than other days. The girls and I made our way back to the dorm room. Gabby followed me to my room so that I could show her the videos on YouTube. I got my MacBook out and logged on to my YouTube account.

“What you guys up to?” Kelly asked from my door. I gave a slight nod, as to say that she could come inside.

“Cassie was just going to show me her video’s on YouTube.”

“You have a YouTube account?”

“Yeah, not on my name though. It’s under my gamer name Pistol_Princess.”
“No,” Kelly said shocked. It was uncommon, my profile was quiet a hit on YouTube. I started about 3 years ago, I uploaded all my prank video and then other people ask me to feature them on my channel. It has escalated since then. A lot of people want to know who I am, I’ve even been asked out and stalked by creepy old men. EW right.

“What?” Gabby asked, I just smirked.

“You are so not Pistol Princess!” Kelly called Mia, “Check this shit out.”
I started playing one of my favorite videos where I pranked my mom’s new ‘boyfriend’ as my then English teacher. I had taken a photo of him dressed in weird superman costume and covered everything in his classroom. It took me hours to do, I nearly fell asleep and got caught for sneaking into school after hours. I slipped a few posters into the other classrooms and the office and put them up against the wall. Now this may now seem like brilliance, but if you ever had class with his, like must students did, you would understand. Mr. Jones tended to have random mini melt downs, as his students we liked to evoke him. Saying he freaked out that day would have been an understatement. I think I might be the reason for his heart problem, oops, my bad. He went on a rampage and he knew it was me who did it, I was the only one who could have gotten the photo, but there was no proof. He almost got expelled that day for attempting to harm a student, but because the principle knew it was most probably me decided to let him off the hook. Let’s just say the rest of the year was interesting. That was a beginning of an ongoing war.

The girls continued looking at more videos I posted; there was a lot from my number 1 fun. DemonGod, we have teamed up on Xbox live as well. He wasn’t bad, really good actually, but I was/am better.

“Hey isn’t that Damon?”

That brought my thoughts back to my MacBook. They were looking at a video that I posted of DemonGod. It was one where they lit fireworks in a cafeteria, everyone ran out screaming because they thought people were shooting at them.

“No, it’s just some guy I play with online,” I explained.

“I’m pretty sure it’s Damon, if not it has to be another guy on campus.”

My face must have showed that I still didn’t believe them because Kelly went on explaining. “We went on this trip last year to a nature reserve. We were going to eat in the cafeteria, but it was full. All we heard was what sounded like gun shots and everyone ran out of there,” They all chuckled, “since it was just fireworks we took over the cafeteria, but guess who we found already sitting at the center table.”
“Damon and the boys,” I guessed.

“Bingo!” Gabby yelled.
“It has to be one of them, because in his emails he said he was part of the prank.”

I had another mission, find out who DemonGod is.

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