Chapter 9: Back to Strangers

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Damon came back to my room, with a bottle in his hand. I had an idea of what it was.

"I hope you don't mind spicing things up."

"Why not?" I smiled, pulling the bottle of gin from behind his back. "Lets make this a proper drinking game."

Damon made himself comfortable next to me on the bed, our game of halo forgotten.

We poured two shots and stared at each other. "One to start off," I nodded and together we take the shot.

"So..." Damon dragged unnecessaryily, "who was your first?"
I didn't even need to ask to know what he was referring to.

"Wow. No holding you back is there," I chuckled. I wasn't really shy about the question, but I knew he would most likely not believe me.

"I just want to get to know you."

"Well then. No one."

"C'mon." Damon pouted. Its was the first thing other than his smirk that I have seen and it was so cute. "You can trust me. And plus I won't know who you're talking about."

"But I just told you. No one." I shrugged hoping he would catch on without me having to spell it out.

"Wait," his eyes widened. "You're a virgin?"

"That's your second question buddy," I teased.

"How even. If I had been in your previous school. I would have made it my personal goal to have you." Damon deadpanned.

I had nothing to say after that, which lead to an awkward silence.

"Well then I'm glad we didn't go to school together before," I chuckled trying to break the awkward silence and took a gulp of gin from straight from the bottle.

After that we didn't continue as usual we just asked questions, safe questions, and finished the bottle. Both passing out on the bed.


"What the actual fuck!" I heard Chris shout, she sounded too close for comfort, but I wasn't going to open my eyes to find out. I had a raging headache and somehow I was in a cocoon of warm and comfort and I wasn't planning on leaving it soon.
I snuggled into my pillow, sighing in content. Ooh that's smells good.
Wait why is this pillow hard and moving? Why is it laughing? Oh no. Please no.

I slowly opened my eyes. The sun was shining bright. A bit too bright, it was encouraging the monkey playing drums in my head.

I heard more screaming in the background, but I blocked that out as I focused in my current position. I looked at more hand which was lying on a fine sculptured chest. I let my eyes wonder upwards towards his face. I knew who it would be, but I could hope for a second longer, right?

There was no denying it though as Damon's piercing grey eyes stared back at me, he had this smile on his face that I have never seen before, but it quickly dissapearrd and he's famous smirk was back. "Morning sunshine," he chuckled at my still confused face.

I quickly looked under the blankets, oh thank the lord I still fully dressed.
"Don't worry sunshine, we didn't do anything last night."

I had nothing to say, I may be a bit wild, but this has never happened. "Just leave." I said, not able to look at his face. "Please," I said softly.

Damon was quiet for a while then, he quietly got up and lef. Just before he left he looked back at me, but I didn't dare look at him. He sighed and then closed the door behind him.

I heard Chris telling at him, but it a as a one way conversation which drummed to be making Chris even more angry. A door slammed and then it was quiet.


I didn't leave my room. I had a stash of biscuits in my cupboard so I would survive.Gabby tried to talk to me buy I refused, so everyone just left me alone.

It was nearing 7pm. I must have been locked up in my room for almost 6 hours now. I needed the bathroom and I needed it real bad.

I decided to pack a bag and head to the gym. I need to release my pent up energy and that would be the perfect release.

I put on a gym shorts and sports bra and headed out to the treadmill. I had been running for almost an hour before my legs started going numb. I was pushing myself past my limits, the last time I ran like this was when I was 12, almost 5 years ago.

I was drenched in sweat when I stepped down from the treadmill.

"Its sexy when a girl looks like that, I just wish I was the reason," someone said behind me. I turned around to see who it was.
"Chase," I acknowledged him and then turned around to walk to the locker rooms to take a shower.

"I heard you had an interesting evening."

I didn't even turned around as I replied, "fuck off." If Damon wanted to spread stories that weren't true that was up to him, but I wasn't going to stand around to hear it.

I was in my way to my room when I passed Damon standing with a crying Chris in the hallway. I could she her tears were fake, but she seemed to be putting up a good act as she had Damon fooled. I didnt acknowledge them as I walked past them.

"Cassie," Damon said as I passed, but I made as if I didn't see him. "Cassie?"

I heard Chris let out a wimper to get Damon's attention back on her, I didn't mind as that would get his attention off me.


Hey Guys.
Sorry the updates are taking so long.
University keeping me busy.


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