Chapter 10: First day; awkward?

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Monday morning.

First day of class.

To say I hated getting up this morning would be an understatement. Anyone who crossed my path noticed my foul mood and moved away as soon as possible. Abby tried to be friendly over breakfast, but I didn't give her acknowledgement. soon enough she got the message, the rest of the girls just left me be. Chris made a point of showing how happy she was that morning, but I couldn't even care what she had to say, because whether she would believe it or not, she did not have a hold on my emotions.

I was running slightly late, not any particular reason, just that I didn't care to rush to get to class. the only reason I made it was because I didn't need to search for my classes. I walked into class right as the late bell rang. "Ms Johnson, how nice for you to join us." she gave me a pointed look, "take a seat." I didn't respond, just walked to the seat right at the back in the corner nearest to the window. The view was like no other and I knew I would spend most of the lecture staring out there.

Mrs Harper, as I just learnt was my English teacher. She was trying to get everyone excited for English, talking about how we would be doing Romeo and Juliet and that because she is also in the Drama department, it would be compulsory for everyone to take part in the play. Whether on-stage or off-stage, as long as you were part of the production.

I already felt like shooting myself and it was only the first day, the first period.


My next period was only at 12h00, meaning I had two free periods now, or like the would sate it, study periods. Yeah, nobody is studying. Since I didn't feel like socialising, I made my way to the quieter side of campus. well not so quiet it seems, considering I haven't seen the campus while there was students milling around.

Looks like my quiet spot is taken over by the delinquents; the smokers, gangster, skanky types. Well there goes that hideout. Just as I was turning around to leave someone called me, or should I say someones. The twins "Cassidy!" Jason and Cory screamed simultaneously. "hey come over here!"

I spun around slowly trying to see where they were calling my from, but that wasn't needed. Jason was already walking over to me. "Someone looks bad luck today."

I didn't respond, just stared, more like glared up at Jason.

"Whoa, who got your panties in a bunch this morning?"

I sighed, knowing he would bug me the whole time. "I'm just not in the mood and school is not my favourite thing in the world."

"Ah, come one Jase can make it fun for you," Jason was pulling my in the direction I had seen Corey walk off into. I was reluctant to go, because I knew wherever they were going Damon would be there and I really want to see him now.

As we got closer to where the group was standing another arm went around my shoulders,. "welcome to the squad." Corey said

"I'm part of no squad," I retorted.

"That's hurtful," Jason faked, "I go through all this trouble to make you feel part of group. I even made a point of not hitting on you."

I stared at Jason wanting to burst out laughing, but by then we were already joining the group. everyone was quiet for a while, just watching as we approach. the silence was broken by Chris, who gave an ugly snort. "Wanna-be" she coughed.

"Oh shut it," Chase scoffed at her, everyone went back to talking amongst themselves. "Come on little Cassidy, loosen up."

This was most definitely not my day, but hey, fake it till you make it. "Hey I'm not little." I shoved his shoulder before sitting next to him, leaning back against the wall. I noted how Damon hasn't stopped looking at me, but also didn't acknowledge or talk to me. I ignored him an rather faced Chase who seemed to be observing Damon curiously as well.

"Hey, we brought you here. I think we should be getting the attention," Jason pouted.

"Okay fine. You have my undivided attention. Now show me why I should stay."

To say the boys made an effort to cheer me up would be an understatement, well the boys except Damon. Chris and the rest of her group stood off to the side away from us, they occasionally looked our way as the spoke, I didn't miss the looks I got from most of them. Probably because I was stealing the attention of their precious boys.

Jason was nothing but the entertainer, he put up a great performance. All I had to do was sit back and relax. Chase kept throwing snide comments which just made Jason try harder. Eventually Corey joined his brother for a finale, two periods later, I almost forget I still had classes to go to.

"Well guys as amusing as this was, I need to get to class." I stood up and the boys joined.

"I'll walk you," I was surprised to hear that. The boys seemed to be shocked as well, after ignoring us for two period he speaks up now.

"No need," I said as I walked away. It wasn't that easy though, Damon fell into step with me, giving the boys a look that stopped them from joining us. It was weird what a hold he has on the boys.

We walked quietly at first. I didn't know what he wanted, so I remained silent waiting for him to say something. But nothing happened, w reached my classroom just as the bell rang. "well uhr, thanks I guess." I walked into Biology, no one was there yet, which gave me a chance to pick out the best seat an as usual I took the back corner nearest to the window.

I hadn't realised that Damon had followed me and sat down next to me. I looked up at him confused, "I have this class too," he cleared up.

"Ah, he talks." I smirked.

There was a silence again, but at least this time it wasn't awkward as before. Soon students started shuffling in, everyone looking curiously back at Damon and me.

"Hello again students," a fairly young teacher stepped out of what I suppose is a starge room. "I hope we have a good year again this year." He smiled, i immediately perked up at this. i may be 'innocent' but he is one fine specimen of a true man. i faintly heard a groan from next to me.  "Welcome back Damon. I'm sure you will ensure we are entertained as usual. i see you decided to have a partner this year," he glanced at me.

He slowly made  his wayto us from the front of the class, never once breaking eye contact. It was intense and all i wanted to do was look away, but i couldnt he held me there with him, His eyes were an intense grye, kind of reminding me of another pair of eyes, who seemed to be boring into my said. "You must be the new student, Cassidy Johnson?" he extended his hand, "we don't get a lot of new students. I'm Mr Anderson."

Okay Cassie, play it cool. He may be hot as fvck, but you got this. I let a smirk appear on my previously flushed face. My change in expression didnt go unnoticed, Mr Anderson raised his perfectly scupltured eyebrows in curiousity.  "Cassie," I took his ahnd gently into mine.

Finally looking away from Mr Andesons eyes, i noticed the whole class was looking at me. Like they were on the cinema and i was the hottest movies. it wasnt the first time, it happened whenever i was around Damon and most of the guys just drooled over the fresh meat they thoughtt me to be.

"Well we will not be starting with work as yet, please take this time to get acquaited with your partner. You will be spending a lot of time together." Mr Anderson was once again standing in front of the class, casually leaning again the table, his muscles straiinign again his daark blue and white check shirt. That was so on purpose, he knew for a fact ,ost of the girls were drooling after him. i even had to check, to make sure i wasnt  drooling myself.

"Oh, this should be fun." I heard Damon groan.


>>>> Picture of Mr Anderson above<<<<

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