Chapter 5

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When I pull up to the venue I glance over at Sam, she looks so excited and I wonder if she's ever been to a concert before. She turns to me and giggles, looking out again. 'Cute' comes to mind. I sit there for a while absorbing the child-like wonder auring around her, thinking if I was like that at my first. I snap out of it when Sam reaches for her bag, and starts to open the door. I quickly grab my bag and climb out of my side. We weren't meeting the All Time Low guys till after their set for post-performance drinks, so we had a fair amount of time to chill.

We buy a book off one of the venders at the entrance that had the scheduled times of all of the shows. We opened it up and saw who was preforming now, "Pierce the Veil." Sam pointed, before giving me a grin, which I returned. "Sure let's go." I stuffed the book in my bag and pulled up my hood. Smiling at her I took her hand, pulling her along to the stage where they were about to go on.

Sam was so excitable, it was adorable and I'm not even ashamed to say it. She ran off to where I was pointing. I shook my head at her, unable to keep the smirk off my face. Keeping an eye on her moving body in the crowd, I bought us a cup of beer each and made my way over. We had a great time, dancing and occasionally sipping from our cups. "Who's ready to fucking move?" Vic shouted into the microphone before diving into 'Hell Above'. The crowd exploded, everyone was jumping and moving in some way, the adrenaline pumping was amazing. I forgot how incredible it was to be in the crowd at a concert, it's been a while.

The set continued and we moved with the others, raising our cups and trying to move without spilling beer all over ourselves. "Alright guys, you've been great. Thank you for having us, this is 'Bulletproof Heart'." The opening chords came in and I watched Sam start to smile, she really was having the time of her life. I move behind her and wrap my arms around her waist, our cups were long discarded now. She tensed and I thought, 'Oh shit.' but it's been quelched by her relaxing against me. We move slowly, swaying from side-to-side. Bending down I began to whisper the song in her ear. Her head leaned back against my neck. I guess neither of us noticed the song was ending, both of us jumped when the crowd started cheering them off. Sam turned to me as everyone started leaving, "That was nice." She said wistfully.

We went around a few more stages, drank plenty more beer and had a great time. We started walking away from a stage we had just been to, to see Black Veil Brides. It was late-afternoon now and the sun was lowering in the sky, making us put back on our hoodies. "I heard someone say they were going to Sleeping with Sirens next, you wanna go?" Sam asked, my eyes lit up like a kid in a candy-store. "Really? Yes! Let's go." I started dragging her away, "Luke I know you're excited, but slow down. You're going the wrong way." She started giggling, I smiled. "Well c'mon then, smart-arse." I said, now dragging her the right-way.

I thoroughly enjoyed their set, especially when Vic came onstage with Kellin and they played 'Kings for a Day', I jumped around to 'If you can't hang' and swayed with Sam for 'If I'm James Dean, You're Audrey Hepburn'. I guess Sam's excitement is catching. When there set was over, we were finally walking to the All Time Low stage, I looked over to see Sam smirking at me. "What?" I grinned at her, "Nothing..." Sam says, playfully looking away. "Tell me," I giggle, threatening to tickle her. She starts to jog away from my wiggling fingers, I follow her. "Okay, okay! You just, look happy." She says smiling, "It's nice." I smile and think "Yea, yea I am happy', I smile, ducking my head. "You say 'nice' alot." Then Sam goes into a long story about her nana drilling into her, to 'always be nice'. "It stuck" she says, "I can't go a day without calling everything nice." I like listening to her talk like this, she always keeps a bit of a boundary at the Café, here she's herself it's nice. Damn, now I'm saying it.

We all stand in anticipation, waiting for this giant white sheet that was covering the stage to drop. I am literally trembling, I'm that excited. As the day went on I'd gotten more and more excited, to the point where I was acting like a puppy that was about to go for a walk. I started jumping on the spot to relieve some of my energy. I turned to see Sam smiling at me. "What? I'm excited." I half-smiled her way.

All of a sudden the curtain dropped, people crowded to the front Sam and I were pushed about 3 rows back, but that was fine with me and Sam looked pretty excited too. "I've been wanting to see them forever, and now I finally get too. Thankyou Luke." She whispers in my ear making me shy, I could feel the heat rising from my neck. 'and now I'm blushing.' "You're welcome." I say instead. I don't remember leaning in but suddenly we are close, in a split-second decision I close the gap.

She tastes like spearmint, and beer an odd but tantalising taste. I can't get enough, every taste of her gets better. I suck on her bottom lip, she puts her tongue in my mouth, a compromise I can deal with. We turn our heads opposite ways, gaining more access. I feel her mouth out with my tongue and she does the same with hers.

Eventually though we have to come up for air. Pulling away slowly, I give one last tug on her lip. A lasting impression, of my mouth on hers. With a kiss like that, people should be chasing her down the street. "Not bad." She smirks, her hair is wild, but that is not out of place here. "Not bad, yourself." I say cockily back, there's not much else to say really. I had definitely never had a kiss like that before and with the spark of mischief in her eyes, I just might be up for another go.

I pull her close to me and wrap my arms around her, swaying her from left to right. She was lying back against me, 'nothing good comes from this' encroaches on my mind, but I push it back. Hell is so close to heaven anyway.

Almost-halfway through the set and we have shared many small kisses' that leave my head spinning each time. We were cuddling to 'Six Feet Under the Stars', when I get shoved to the side. " Oh god, I'm so sorry man. Didn't see you there." A college-age boy says smirking. I'm not sure I believe it or not. But I do know he got beer on my hoodie, thankfully it's black. "It's alright" I mumble, returning to my original position with Sam. Nothing is going to spoil All Time Low for me tonight.


I stand there swaying to my favourite band, with a boy I've just sucked-face with. I'm not gonna lie, it feels pretty damn good. When 'Kicking and Screaming' starts everyone begins to jump, we all jump throughout the next song too and I'm starting to get pretty thirsty.

"I'm gonna go get a drink." I yell over the music, pointing to a tap that people were filling up their water bottles with. Luke holds up one finger and rummages in his bag. After a bit her pulls out two water bottles.

"Thought we'd get thirsty, he says unscrewing the cap and guzzling down almost- three fourths of the bottle winking at me in the process. I smirk at his forwardness and do the same.

I move close to him again and he has his hand around my waist from my left side. We start bobbing in time to the music, 'kicking and screaming...kicking and screami-' Black.


Samantha and I are dancing along to my favourite song on the new album, mainly because I was there when they recorded it, but that's another tale for another time. Sam starts to get tired, I see it in the way she moves, I go to pull her back and she falls. I try to catch her, but then realize how tired I am. A hand reaches out for Sam, and I collapse, darkness...

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