Chapter 17

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Waking up to a freezing room, I rubbed my face. Opening my eyes quickly when I realized my ring wasn't there.

"No, no. Where is it?" I think, getting out of Sam and I's bed. I look everywhere I could, trying to not wake Sam in the process.

It was useless. I took it off during one round of 'Strip Dare' and don't remember putting it back on. It was gone.

'The last of Anabel.' I think. It was her engagement ring. She'd left it next to the letter when she, did what she did.

The letter told me to move on, forget. That something great was heading my way and she couldn't be a part of it.

I have worn the ring ever since. On my right ring finger. The boys had told me to take it off, but I couldn't. It was my past, a part of me-and I wear my past on my hands with everything I do-well, I did.

Before I left it, left her. Maybe it was time. I like Sam now, and I want a relationship with her.

It was time.

I nod to myself, in reassurance, and get back into bed, next to my girl-without a reminder of the one who used to be.

I drifted in and out of dreams after that, only properly waking up again when Sam did.

"Morning, well I think it's morning." I said to her, raising my eyebrow in confusion. I feel fully rested but I could see a light through the cracks in the ceiling, it could be mid-day or the afternoon. I couldn't tell.

Sam scoffed at my uncertainty. "Good something to you too." She said yawning.

"It's warmer now." Sam stated. I'd noticed it too. "Yea, it started heating up about an hour ago." I said.

"Some random people delivered food in the night. I hadn't seen them before." I said to her, voicing my concerns.

"Weird. That huge bald guy normally does it." She queried. "Yea. Hopefully we won't see him anymore. That guys a dick." I said referring to the cut on my head that could be possibly scarring.

Sam laughed. "Yea he's not your biggest fan." She sassed. "He's just jealous. I have plenty more then he has." I smirked, raising my eyebrows. Making her laugh.

'I like that laugh.' I think to myself.

"Can I kiss you?" I ask instead. Sam's eyes gain a fiery-spark. She nods and I move in, closer, slowly. There was nothing holing me back now. I went for it.

I kissed her hard. Harder then we had before. The kiss was more...hungry.

It was like my mind and body were connected, but I wasn't asked to give consent. I knew where this was leading, and I wanted it. I needed her.

I hadn't felt like this for a while, and I relished in it. I know she did too. We were consumed. Consumed within ourselves and I didn't care.

 Consumed within ourselves and I didn't care

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Officer's Lee and Roscoe had talked to the neighbours. Some elderly woman had a particularly sharp eye and remembered the license plate of a car high-tailing it away from the house where they'd taken Luke.

If I ever meet these assholes, I swear they won't ever forget the taste of my fist.

I'm really pissed now. At the fuckers who took Luke and myself, for not tracking the iPhone quicker. I blame myself, for something beyond my control-Exactly what I warded Luke away from.

The boys and I saved him from himself, and now we had to save him from someone else. Fate is a bitch. But guess what? I'm gonna find Luke, and make fate my bitch.

'Suck on them apples.' I think. The ones who were 'picked' by Officer Martìnez, (which included me) were taken back to our room in the station. Once we were there we informed Chief Worthington of our findings, and here we are.

The big-ass screen is showing the laptop's screen that was connected to it. Tracking the car that hauled-ass away with Luke inside. There were street cam's trying to locate some form of path and a circle showing the progress we were making in doing so. 84%

'Almost there.' I slowly breathe out.

'We're coming Luke.'

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