Chapter 13

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I wake up in another strange room. As soon as they injected Luke, guess who was next? Yea, that's right. Me.

My head doesn't hurt so much this time, 'Guess they didn't drop me, like they did him.' I think before scouring my surroundings.

This was even worse than I thought. My immediate area felt damp and smelt musty, there was barely enough light too see by. The only light coming from the weathered and broken boards of the roof.

'Roof boards?' I wonder, I'd never seen wooden boards being used on the roof-not in my time anyway. 'Good. That gives me a clue.' I think, 'This place is old. Maybe a barn?'

I hold that thought as a possibility, that could be useful later and continue to look around.

There was chain-link fence in all directions, 'I'm in a cage.' I thought, 'That could make things more difficult.'

The cage was roughly, 5 meters wide, by 4 meters long, with a height of around 2 and a half meters. A small toilet in the corner where the door-out and back wall of the cage meet.

'Fuck.' I think, 'The dicks have the upper-hand. I'm a caged animal.'

Beyond the cage there is a small hallway, leading to a wooden-door, along the same wall as the very-right of the cage.

Across the hallway there were three empty, wooden stables. Re-affirming my idea of a barn.

The wall of the cage that sat to the side of the hallway, contained a door. Metal-like one you would see in jail, with elongated metal bars and a plain metal panel 4/5ths down holding the keyhole. Which I tried, and was locked-they'd even gone to the extent of putting another lock around one of the door bar's and the cage.

'Fucking perfect.'

I hear groaning and snap around, realizing it was only Luke holding his head while trying to sit up.


Everyone in the converted- conference-room watched. A big-ass screen was set-up in front of our 'Knight's Table', showing us the head-cam of one-of four policemen. It was kinda-cool and I wanted one at our house to play Xbox on.

'Imagine how cool Halo would be this big?' I thought, pondering over the awesomeness.

Me and Chief Worthington had spent hours earlier cross-checking the IP addresses of every guards' phone with a list of all that had logged on to the security-log at the Warped show.

We'd found an irregularity, that happened to be an iPhone-long story short-we hacked and tracked, it. Following it to a rundown-house in Watts (South LA)

Chief Worthington then got some policemen-troopers to storm the place. Not gonna lie, this is pretty cool. I made an intro in my head.

'In the veils of darkness, four storm-troopers, one mission-save Luke.'

Sounds like the next best Star Wars trailer. Someone get George Lucas, we're gonna make millions.

"3...2...1. Go! Go! Go!"

Trooper 1 directed his comrades into battle and we all sat up straighter.

'C'mon Luke.' I thought watching the policemen move deeper into the house. Troopers' 3 and 4 stepped to the front of 1, pausing for a second against the walls of the hallway before signaling each other and entering opposite rooms.

Trooper 4 spoke first. "Clear." We waited for three's confirmation, but all we heard was silence.

Then gunshots. Three-sharp, quick.


Liz and Samantha's mother, gasped. A few people covered their mouths, all visibly paled. Silence.


We all released the breaths we didn't know we were holding.

Trooper 2 moved in front of 1, walking into the same room 3 was in. Trooper 1 followed with 4 taking the rear.

'C'mon Luke.' I think.

Trooper 3 took the lead this time, guiding us past a dead man. 'Oh god', I think, 'C'mon Luke.'

They move through a large room, set-up like a photo-shoot set. 'Weird.'

To the right there is a row of hairdressing tables, shackled, wheelie-chairs sitting unoccupied beside them. 'What the fuck?'

Trooper 3 signaled to the other two, pointing at a door up-ahead. 3 stood directly in front of it, while 2, 1, and 4 moved to the wall next to the door. Trooper 2 signaled-


With blinding speed, 2 whipped the door open and 3 moved in-gun poised. We were bathed in another tense silence.


Trooper 3 moved out of the room and 4 lead the way towards yet another door. They did the same signal routine as last time, 3 moving into the eternal darkness that seemed to drip off the doorway.

'This is starting to seem like a scene from Paranormal Activity.' I thought, my eyes widening when the camera-light adjusted to a set of stairs. Then, 'C'mon Luke'

We descended the stairs, moving through a wide-concrete basement and a thick metal door. 'Fuck...' I thought.

This one was hanging wide open...

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