Chapter 7

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The boys and I were taken to the police station and questioned about Luke's kidnapping. The boys went to separate rooms and were interviewed by the police officers, while I got sacked with the police chief.

I told him what I saw and he made me write my statement on a piece of refill. I try to explain in detail what happened, it wasn't hard because it's all I can think about. What if I said something sooner? What if Luke had a guard with him? Why was he passed out? The water! The water, he was drinking water right before he passed out.

I told the officer that he was drinking a bottle of water right before I saw him knocked out. The chief looked at me with interest then hurried out of the room, muttering an "Excuse me".

I sit in wait and some other people came in to question me specifically about the drink bottle, what they were doing before they drank it and after. I told them I didn't see and they didn't push it, just scribbled on a form and asked another question. When they were done they stepped out of the room and I was left alone to wait. I checked my watch when the Chief came back in and saw ten minutes had passed. Ten more minutes of Luke gone. Is he still alive?

The Chief told me I was allowed to go wait with my friends, while they interviewed the 'other group of boys' who I'm assuming was the 5SOS boys. I saw them come in, they were terrified and it made me feel more awful that I couldn't stop it. After all they'd been through with Luke, why couldn't I have stopped it? Why did it take me so long to react? I saw Mikey throw up, and a policewoman cart him off to the nurse. It was chaos, and it was all my fault. When I went out to the waiting area we were in before, Jack was sobbing still, Rian and Zack were taking turns to comfort him it wasn't really making a difference though he just continued to cry. I sat down next to him and rubbed his back. Now we wait.


After I threw up, the third time. Ashton, Cal, and I were moved to a room together. Ashton and I clung to each other, while Chief Worthington and Calum talked. Cal hadn't broken down yet, but I could tell he was close to it, just acting brave for Ash and I's benefit when we get home all of us will cry together. But until then we needed him to be the strong one because Ash and I sure as hell can't.

When he was done questioning us about Luke and his 'female companion', who'd we'd told him was named Sam, and that she met Luke in the Café where she worked. Ash told him about what they'd talked about before he left and how he was acting. We'd said he was normal, better than normal. He was happy, which is rare to see with Luke these days.

We moved back to the waiting room and sat with the ATL guys in silence, except for Jack's sobbing and Ash and I's sniffles. We all look up when we hear a commotion and see four people walk through the doors speaking to everyone they see. Cal, Ash and I stand up seeing two faces we've grown up with.

Liz and Andrew, stand at the entrance with the other couple looking around the room. Chief Worthington rushes over to them and we stand there watching their faces as he tells them what happened. The other woman's hand reaches to cover her mouth and the man next to her brings her into him. I can only assume these are Sam's parents. Liz and Andrew share a glancing look at one another and then a brief hug, before Liz goes into 'managing' mode wanting to know all the detail and every possible objective causing each different outcome.

Liz used to help us book the shows before we actually got a manager, I guess it kind of stuck. She glanced in our direction where all of us were huddled together in a little squad. "Oh, boys." She said running over and pulling all three of us in a hug, Andrew joined and ruffled my hair.

Liz pulled away and took out her phone, "I'm going to text management and your parents." she explained to our questioning look, Joy's name (Calum's mum) coming up on the screen. When she was done Andrew walked over and pulled her into a hug, it lasted longer this time and Liz broke down. I guess the shock had worn off, we all walked to them and joined, we were in this together. We will find you Luke.

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