Chapter 9

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The boys and I stood by while Luke and his girlfriend's, I have now come to know as Samantha, parents talked to the officer's. The rest of the ATL boys and I were just going to head home, but I thought it would be better if we stayed at the 5 Seconds house for a couple of days. They needed us, if I took the pain I was feeling and multiplied it by roughly a thousand, that would probably be how they were feeling.

After Eva, the boys were lost with Luke. Now this goes and happens. I guess Luke's just got really shit luck.

Calum drove the boy's home and Zack followed in the car we had used to get here. We were meant to take a break after that show, stay in L.A. for a bit, enjoy it. So we'd hired a car, I guess it came in handy.

When we walked inside the boys were sitting on the sofa. Calum was being rocked in Mikey and Ash's arms. Liz and Andrew were standing nearby, hugging, they were both in tears. We all ran over and tried to comfort them, Jack doing the only thing he does when someone is crying: talking manically. It was a defense, he does it whenever someone cries because I don't think he knows another way to deal with it.

It worked though, they quietened-down and listened to one of his tales of wild adventure. Soon enough we were all laughing, or at-least trying to.


After some woman had 'beautified' Luke and I to the point where I wanted to throw up, she shifted us to yet another room. The weird man, who was talking to the bastard (who abducted us) before, was standing chatting with one of the bodyguards. As soon as the woman was done she'd called a guard who tied me in yet another length of rope, fucking brilliant. When the guard had finished tying Luke, who gave him an intense death stare while swearing under his breath that they were going to 'rot in fucking jail, for the rest of their lives' or something to that effect. Another guard came in and wheeled us away, to this new filthy place, just as bad as all the other rooms we had been in today.

The show really got going then. With a nod of his head the man made the woman jump to attention. The guard that was restraining Luke before, wheels him over to the center of the room where a white-sheeted area awaits. This room was larger than the others and set up like a photography studio, great another random thing they are going to do to us. They are sick, demented people and as soon as I get the chance I am going to put my foot so far up their asses their spleen's are going to come out their nostrils.

"Now son, stay still and let us take some shots of your ugly mug before you force me to make it uglier, which I must say, is a sight I really don't want to see." The man smirks, Luke's face getting darker and darker, with each passing second. The man turns and trots over behind an awaiting camera on its tripod. "Say cheese." He smirks, before setting off the flash of a giant light standing in the room. It goes off several more times, the irritated-child look still residing on his features.

When the man was done with a final flash, once-again blinding Luke the man signals to Luke's guard who carts Luke out of the room, much to Luke's protest. He then signals to my guard, 'Oh, shit. They have me alone. I've seen CSI, I know what happens to girls when they are alone with their abductors. Nothing fucking good.' I am moved over to the area where Luke was before, where much to my relief, the process was repeated and soo enough I was stuffed in the place where I woke up earlier.

I struggled out of the seat as soon as the guard untied me, giving him my best emulation of the devil. He shrugged and walked out the door, where another guard awaited locking the door behind him.

I swept the room with my eyes coming across a wide-eyed, scared-Luke. He was hugging himself, coddled in the corner. I could tell what he was thinking, because I was thinking the same thing. This is all so strange, they abduct us, then give us a make-over and photoshoot. What the hell? It was more terrifying than if they just started beating us. At least then we would know what we're in for.

I move over to Luke and moved his arm around me. He blinked a couple of times, regaining his sense of morality back before squeezing my shoulder. We sat like that for ages, there was no way to tell the time in our 'cell'. The door rattled and Luke's guard walked in, flanked by two more. He had a tray held in his hands. "Dinner is served." He mocks a waiter before dumping our food to the ground and walking out again. Beginning to close the door he says, "Enjoy." and all three guards laughed manically, exiting again.

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