Chapter 11

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Luke and I were talking again, not much else to do in this hellhole. "So what do you do when you're not annoying me at work?" I smirked in Luke's direction. "Annoying!" Luke turned to me with a stunned expression, holding his hand to his chest. "Guess who's not getting any of my Malteser's next time I visit you at the Café." Every-night when he comes to the café Luke stops at a dairy on the way and buys a packet of Malteser's, that he slips to me every once in a while during my shift, since he found out they were my favourite a couple of weeks ago.

After we finish laughing at his childishness, he answers properly. "Actually, um...I'm in a band-that's how I set it up for us to meet with All Time Low after the gig," I gave him a quizzical look. "I know them, we...ah, wrote with Alex on our first album..." Luke trailed off as if he was unsure of my reaction, but the cogs in my mind were just beginning to spin. "So you're a big deal then?" I asked, though I didn't really need confirmation, Alex Gaskarth didn't write with just anyone. "Well...yea, I guess..." Luke scratched the back of his neck, not looking me directly in the eye.

"What do you play? In the band I mean, or like, what is your job-exactly?" I question him, I didn't know anything about this and this is a big part of his life. To be honest it's strange we hadn't discussed this before, I guess we were too wrapped up in music during our discussions at the café. Which make sense now. This is why he has heard so many of the 'littler' bands I like that no-one else's even heard of. "Uh... I sing, and play rhythm-guitar. We're originally from Australia, but we came to LA to record our second studio album before our tour this year." My brain was still spinning. "Do I know any of your songs?" Luke and I have blocked each other out completely by now. I was numb after hearing all of this, he wasn't in a garage-band that meets on weekends, he was the lead singer in a band that was obviously doing reasonably well. From the sounds of it he was probably famous too. Fuck Sam, what have you gotten yourself into? Luke was huddled into himself again, his voice muffled as he picked at the sleeve of his jumper.

"Um...You look so perfect standing there in my American Apparel underwear." Luke sings to me, sparking recognition. "That's probably the most common one, it's be-" I cut him off, standing up and pacing. "You're in that band?! That song's freaking everywhere... I be that's why you wore the hood and sunglasses at Warped isn't it? Fuck Luke, I..." Luke watched me, gauging my reaction like a puppy assessing how much trouble it is in with its owner. "Say something..." Luke whispered, waiting again. "Please, please... just say something. Scream, yell, beat me, something Sam..." Luke pleaded, but I was too numb. "I don't know what to say Luke...I just-" I stopped mid-sentence, coming to a conclusion in my head. Uttering the next few words with sincerity.

"You know what? Fuck this..." I see a slight flicker in Luke's eyes before I pounce on him, placing my lips to his with haste. I may be dead soon, what's the point of arguing with the guy who makes me feel like I'm on fire?

"This doesn't change who you are, or how I see you. You're still Luke." I assure him in-between kisses. "That was not how I thought this conversation would go." Luke's astonishment shows in his voice. "Me neither, I just thought fuck it." I say honestly, making him chuckle. "Fuck me." Luke quips, raising his eyebrow like the smartass he is. "Gladly." I wink at him, moving off his lap in the process and back to my original spot. "Touché" Luke sasses wrapping is arm around my shoulder. Round one to Sam.


I watched as Alex walked over to the officer and had a chat. It was close on 6.30 and I was sick of constantly re-counting 'my version' of what happened yesterday: Got up, saw Luke off, ate breakfast with the other two, watched cartoons, then played Halo with Cal while Ash made us dinner which was when we got the call. No, not a particularly scandalous day in the record book of Michael Clifford.

The officer turned away from Alex and spoke briskly into his phone, widening his eyes during the intervals where he didn't speak. Before eyeing us all over like we were going to rip him apart-which I would if he asked me about yesterday one more fucking time, so I guess his concern was valid. "You guys are needed at the station."

Everyone looked around, did they really need all of us? The thought was cast aside as soon as a more prominent one took its place. Did they find Luke?

The entire room must've been thing the same thing because we all proceeded to the door as one. Scrambling into the awaiting vans management had hired because of the excess of human that has ascended upon our house.

There were four, six-seater vans. Meaning my van was full of me, Ash-driving, Rian, and Rian's girlfriend Alisha; and I had two extra seats right beside me. Great another reminder that my little brother is fucking abducted. I think. If Luke was here, those would be his seats, him and his girl would be right beside me. If everything was alright, he would've come home last night with a smile on his stupid little face and the boys and I would've teased him about being a whipped little shit. Instead it's me, I'm here, sitting alone all-too-aware that I should have stopped him from walking out that door yesterday.

I was so wrapped up in my own fucking pity party, I didn't realize that we had arrived. Scampering out, with all of the other vans were unloading at the same time. As soon as we had all gathered again, including Heather from management that had just turned up, Alex and I led the pack through the entrance. Inside we found the chief speaking to the officer that told us to come here in the first place.

"What's this all about?" Liz asked point-blank when we reached them. That reminds me of the good old days: "Michael get up or Sleeping with Sirens is sleeping in the rubbish-bin tonight!" "Not Kellin! Don't do it! I'm up, I'm up!" Ah...good times.

Chief Worthington got right to it. "While you were all at home, Mr. Gaskarth informed the officer of a possible reason behind this situation that explains why we haven't gotten a ransom call and such. This informed us that we need to inquire further into the lives of the abductee's, hence why you all are here. Care to explain Mr. Gaskarth?" We all turn too Alex with the same confused expression, So that's why he was talking to the officer.

"Well...I just thought that maybe they don't know who Luke is, I mean, in terms of how much he's worth. You know? Maybe that's why we haven't gotten an, ah... 'ransom' call yet."

When Alex was done speaking all 23 heads turned back to Chief Worthington. We were all still confused, myself included. Why would they bring us done here for that? Couldn't they have just told us over the phone?

"If we are to believe this theory, we need to know more about the situation. This is where you come in. All of you are extremely close to Luke and Samantha therefore you would know things about them that-given this theory is true-the assailants don't. To formulate a plan and further this investigation we are going to need your help." Chief Worthington scowered the audience. Personally, I was all-for the idea. If my help could bring Luke back faster, they can know every encounter we've ever had for all I care. I don't mind, just get my brother back.

"What can help them? Do they have a gun license? Have they done a survival-course? Give us something that we can work with to help get those kids home." I pondered, What the fuck did Luke have to offer? He almost punched me that one time... I was almost knocked off my feet when someone actually spoke up.

"Samantha has martial arts training. She's a green belt. She also got her gun license when she was 18." Sam's mother called to the Chief, unsurety lacing her tone. The broad man smiled.

"Congratulations, their survival rate just went up." He sent us a smile, Liz turning to the woman to thank her repeatedly for making her daughter do self-defense training and learn how to train a weapon properly. This is it, I think. I've got a plan.

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