Chapter 12

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I am awoken by some prick banging on the door to annoy us. There's no other reason for it, It's not like we can actually open the fucking thing.

I grunt, narrowing my eyes at the door before rolling them when I hear a commotion behind it. Sam's mumbles in her sleep, her head is resting on my shoulder, my arm wrapped around her. We were both exhausted after our ordeal, sleeping against one of the concrete walls.


Someone unlocks the door and I sit up straighter. Maybe they're letting us go? Or someone has found us? As much as I hate to, because she looks really cute snuggled into my neck, I shake Sam awake. She groans before opening her eyes just as the door opens. We brace ourselves, this can either be very good or very bad. My bets on the second one.

Both of us stiffen when the door screams open and who fucking walks in? 'Beer Man', with his two consorts 'Bald-and-Bulky' and 'Lean Muscle'.

Perfect, Fucking perfect.

Sam and I shared a look I knew all too well, from our recent experiences. What do they want with us now? Lucky for us 'Beer Man' was quick to address our unspoken issue.

"So kiddies', you guys are super-lucky because it's moving day! Woo..hoo." He says, clasping his hands together. 'Beer Man' nods to his companions. Well that can't be good. 'Lean Muscle' and 'Bald-and-Bulky' Step towards us. Sam shoots me another, let's see where this goes look. Yea, cos' that worked so well last time. I think, but follow her lead anyway.

They grab us and pull us toward the door, I eyed 'Lean Muscle'. Hurt her and your face is being introduced to my fist. I glared.

"Bald-and-Bulky' closed his meaty fingers around my bicep. That hurts you dick. I thought, I didn't say anything though-this guy could probably eat me. I only struggle against his grip, slightly growling at him. Like a caged animal. I think he got the message when he loosened a bit.

When dick and dickier pulled us to the door, another woman came out of no-where. I looked to Sam, making sure 'Lean Muscle' wasn't hurting her he'd regret it if he did, I promised myself. Sam widened her eyes at me and started to struggle. I followed her gaze sharply when I felt a prick on my already-sore bicep. I felt the liquid flow into my system, I was starting to lose my fight. Getting light-headed, my eyes began to flick around on their own accord. In the distance I could hear a girl screaming my name. The pressure holding my arm down released and the only thing I could think was fuck, before my head hit the floor.


We were all still at the station, listening to Mikey go through his master plan with the Police Chief. I swear that kid was meant to be a detective or some shit. Right now they were going through their idea of tracking peoples unique IP addresses from Warped to see who created the 'security badges' the kidnappers had on.

So far they've figured out that the security-log had been hacked by an iPhone which they were currently trying to track.

All of us were stood around a round blue-glass table, staring at a white-board and connected t.v. that contained everything to do with the case.

All we would ever need to bring our boy home, and his girl-of course.

There were photo's that'd been screenshot-ed from video's the fans at the gig's had taken. They'd all been really supportive, fans had even offered to create an army to search the woods for him, not sure why he'd be taken to the woods in particular but that was their offer, which we'd accept if it came to that. We're gonna find him, his kidnapper's may be able to hide a 19-year-old boy, but Luke wasn't average. Someone would spot him, it's just a matter of time. But until then we had our plan.

We had a blurry picture of the reasonably-bulky asshole I saw carry Luke to the van and his much slender counterpart. The police were scanning their faces through the system as we speak. No doubt, there'll be a match, filthy criminals.

We'd all been here for hours, but we stayed because Luke needed us. Whenever there was a break in conversation, someone else came up with an idea. The benefit of having so many people in one room, I guess. Lots of thoughts to throw around.

'Be fun to write a song like this.' I thought, saving that gem away for future albums.

I was on to my 5th coffee, not really ideal-but there's no time to waste on sleeping. I've got death for that. (Or more preferably when this is over, and I go back home)

There were pictures of Luke and Sam's phone's, on the board-they'd been found smashed where the van had driven off.

I was currently part of a team-of five (Me, Jack, Ashton, Luke's mum, and Rian's girlfriend-Alisha), we were looking through all of their text's and calls, to see irregularities. So far there was nothing. No stalkerish texts, or anything. The only thing I had found in Luke's text feed was some cute little conversations with Sam. If anything, that made my resolve stronger. Luke needed something normal like this, an average relationship with an average girl. He fucking deserved something like this, and we're going to find him and help him have it, I don't care how long it takes.

The Chief stands up from where him and Mikey were crouched over his computer, in an intense conversation, to add another piece of paper to our board.

They'd tracked the phone, they had an address. 'Good. Another step closer.' I thought looking over to Jack and Ashton in a communal nod.

The coffee woman came back in with a stacked tray, 'More caffeine...Let's do this.'

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