Chapter Ten - The Eviction

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The next day
Katniss POV

It's just before lunch and I'm sitting in the garden with Cinna because since I was in the Diary Room last night when Johanna was kicking off I don't know what happened.

"It was like behaviour I've never seen before. You could not calm her down" he tells me.

"Yeah but that's just Johanna" I say back, "that's just who she is"

"Not like that though. It was like something just snapped inside her."

"Who was she shouting at?" I ask him.

"For what I could tell she was shouting at Cato and Clove"

"Oh god" I shake my head and walk back in the house to see Cato, Annie told me he's in the toilet so I go into the bathroom and wait for him.

"Hey you okay?" I ask him when he comes out.

"Yeah perfectly fine"

"I don't know what happened but Cinna said it was really bad"

"Yeah I don't knew what went on in her head" Cato replies before we both walk out the bathroom to eat lunch.

I sit down at the table when Cinna and Peeta come sit next to me and I know the look on Cinnas face all too well. He's going to give us some of his 'advice' after what happened in that task, with Peeta saying it was more than friends.

"Sometimes with the loneliness of being in here, well you know to get in his bed-" Cinna starts but I cut him off.

"No we share a bed because that was the only one left when we first got here" I explain.

"Well that needs to change" he snaps back, "it doesn't look right because you are in a relationship, Katniss and Peeta clearly has some type of feelings for you and unless you were leaving Gale-"

"I wouldn't say feelings, more of just I find her attractive" Peeta buts in, making me role my eyes because from how he's acting tells me way different.

"Yeah she's beautiful, of course you would be, but anyway you should sleep in different beds."

"What do you think it looks bad?" I ask, but honestly I'm scared of the answer.

"It doesn't look right" Cinna answers.

The next day - Katniss POV
Eviction Day

Everyone is sitting in the living room because Big Brother just called us here. We're all talking about the Eviction tonight as far as we know it's only, Johanna, Cato and Haymitch that are up for eviction.

I completely forgot it was me, Peeta and Finnick that put them up for it.

"This is Big Brother, housemates Big Brother has some important news. Tonight, Johanna, Cato and Haymitch are up for eviction but they're not the only ones, Big Brother has decided that all housemates will face the public eviction tonight."

"Well that's great" Haymitch says with a big smile on his face.

"Yeah great" I mimic, rolling my eyes at him.

The House - An Everlark Fanfiction {Completed}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz