Chapter Twenty One - Reunited

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Katniss POV

"Katniss come down here" Effie ushers as I walk down the stairs. She takes my hand when I'm about four steps from the floor and helps me down because I can tell it's been raining as the stairs are slippy.

She helps me to the centre of the stage we're standing on and tells me to pose for the photographers.

I stand for about a minute getting pictures taken from all directions. When I'm done I turn around to wave to fans but my eyes also catch a certain blonde and I have to keep an embarrassingly large smile from over taking my face.

Effie comes over moments later with her microphone, "Stay tuned," she tells the camera that's now in front of us, "because after the break we'll be talking to Katniss about all that went on in the house and of course about that Blondie over there" she says before pointing to where Peeta is standing.

"Cut" I shouted and I'm told to go down the little runway type thing.

I walk down that and go through the circle that opens, as I did before I went in the house. Behind the door are two chairs which I presume are for the interview that Effie is about to do.

My thoughts are proven right when I'm told to sit in the chair to the right. Behind me are 3 little tv screens that seconds later appear with pictures of me and Peeta on them. The ones behind Effie's chair just contain pictures of me on my own from before I went into the house.

"ONE MINUTE!" Is shouted from the back of this small room. Chairs are in rows of four and at the back of the room there is another door which above says 'EXIT' but I get confused when people start to come through it. Multiple people come through until I catch eyes with the ones I really want to see, there they are. My dad, mum, Prim and Peeta walk through the door and sit in the back row of the chairs.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Effie kissing my cheeks before she, herself sits down.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5..." The camera man then begins to mouth, "4, 3, 2, 1, ACTION"

"Hello, we're back now with Katniss Everdeen, runner up of Celebrity Big Brother 2016, so Katniss how does it feel about coming in second?" Effie questions.

"It feels surreal" I say honestly, "I thought I would be out much earlier than this, I didn't think I'd make it 2 weeks let alone be in the final!"

"You were a favourite at the start and then you started getting involved with Peeta, now you and him started getting a lot of back lash until the press conference with your, I presume now ex, Gale Hawthorne. How did that feel? Getting all this back lash?"

"Well it was my fault. I didn't make it clear that me and Gale didn't have a perfect relationship. I also messed Peeta around a lot because I didn't know what his true intentions were-" I start but Effie cuts me off when I say this.

"What do you mean by 'true intentions'?"

"Well look at him" I say pointing to the picture on the screen beside me, "he's incredibly good looking and not having that good of experiences with boys like that I didn't know what he really wanted from me"

Effie nods as if she understands and continues by asking me another question, "So what made you sure about him? Because obviously you told each you loved one another in there so something must've changed your mind"

"I think it was just when I realised Peeta was always there for me, sticking up for me in there. I started to figure out that he was genuine and that he really cared about me, that's when I started to accept that I had real feelings for him as well" I tell her.

She goes on for about another ten minutes, asking me about my time in the house and about my various friendships and arguments that I had in there until she finally wraps it up by saying that we better go get Finnick out of there now because he is after all the new winner of Celebrity Big Brother.

"Thank you so much for talking to me Katniss, you are now free to go see your friends and family" Effie tells me with a smile.

I stand up, thank her before going down the little steps that lead to the back of the seats. I first hug Prim, then mum, then dad before turning to Peeta.

I look at him before bringing my lips to his, to which he instantly responds, making me smile.

When we pull away my arms rest around his neck and his hand rests on my cheek, "I love you" I whisper.

"I love you too," he tells me back, "always"

He pulls me in for a tight hug and i know now, after being away from him for a short period of time, after all our exchanges, that in his arms is truly where I belong.


THIS WAS THE LAST CHAPTER! I JUST HAVE AN EPILOGUE THEN ITS DONE! I can't believe this book is finally ending oh my god 😕

The House - An Everlark Fanfiction {Completed}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz