Chapter Five - Affection

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3 days later
Katniss POV

This house is a living hell. Annie and Finnick are now 'together' although I don't know how together you can get after only knowing each other six fucking days.

Even though we all think it's ridiculous, they do seem very loved up, they're never separated. Every single task, whenever one of them has to go to the Dairy Room, every moment, they're never apart.

It's making me miss Gale. Well I'm not sure it's Gale I miss, exactly. I think I just miss the affection. Not having someone to hug and kiss everyday is hard. Even if the kisses are usually aggressive.

I've been getting closer to Peeta and I think everyone has noticed it. He just gives me so much attention. We haven't done anything besides cuddling though, well not counting that shower thing but nothing else has happened since that.

I'm currently sitting on the couch, leaning on Peeta, while he has his arms around me and his lips are pressed against the side of my forehead, everyone's sitting through here, in the living room, and people are in their own conversations.

I don't pay attention until I hear Glimmer, "It's fucking ridiculous, I mean she has a boyfriend"

"Excuse me" I shout over to her.

"Katniss just leave it" Peeta whispers in my ear.

"No" I snap back, "if she has something to say to me, she can say it to my face."

"Fine, I'll say to you what everyone in this house has been thinking. You are way to close to Peeta, I mean who knows what goes on in that bed at night, you have a boyfriend!" Glimmer shouts.

"What's that got to do with anything? I'm not doing anything. And if I'm not doing anything, I'm not doing anything wrong!"

"You're doing something wrong by just lying with him there! You two are acting like a couple! I pray to god your boyfriends not watching this! Because if I were him I'd kick your ass to the crib!"

That's when I snap. I run over to her and tackle her down onto the couch, she starts to grab and pull my hair. I'm about to slap her when I feel a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist. Peeta. He's pulling me off her, "No!" I scream, "Let me go!"

"Could Katniss come to the Diary Room immediately"

I hear Big Brothers voice over the speaker but I'm not stopping, "Get off me!" I shout.

Peeta then turns me around and hoists me over his shoulder. I'm so angry. I've never been this angry. I'm upset too and I realise my voice is breaking and I have tears running down my face. What if Glimmers right? What if I am getting too close to Peeta? What if Gale has picked up on it?

I hope not. Because as he said, if he doesn't want me who will? People think just because I'm a celebrity I always feel loved and appreciated but I don't. I do think Gale takes me for granted but at least he wants me, well sometimes. I feel like no one else will.

If Peeta knows the real me he'll run for the hills.

Peeta lifts me off his shoulder and puts me on the chair in the Diary Room. He comes and sits beside me, holding my hand.

I realise I'm crying a lot, I struggle for breath, "it's not my fault it's hers! Let me back in there so I can punch her fucking face in!" I stand up and go over to the door, trying to open it but it won't open.

"Let me out!" I scream, banging on the door, "Let me out!"

Peeta comes over and turns me around and gives me a hug, "Katniss calm down"

I grab his top and cry and cry and cry.

I'm so sick of people in this house telling me I'm doing something wrong when I'm not.

"Katniss that behaviour is unacceptable. You have assaulted one of your fellow housemates and are using threatening words. Big Brother will give you one last chance. If this happens even once again you will be out this house, do you understand?"

"Yes Big Brother" I reply with a shaken voice.

"You may now return to the house"

We walk back in and see that everyone is still in the living room. I say to Peeta I'm just going to bed, he says he'll come too.

I get my makeup off and take my hair out then climb into bed. Peeta gets in too and wraps a arm around my waist and kisses my neck, making me shiver. I then fall into a peaceful dreamland, with Peeta's hand in mine.

The House - An Everlark Fanfiction {Completed}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz