Chapter Fifteen - Control

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Katniss POV
the next day

"Finnick put me down!" Annie shouts at Finnick after he threw her over his shoulder, "Little help Katniss?" She shouts over.

"Finnick put her down!" I say whilst laughing.

"So you think it's funny?" Peeta says from beside me.

He stands up and steps in front of me, stands me up and then tosses me over his shoulder, "No Peeta!" I say whilst moaning. I really got myself into that ugh.

We're outside and I notice Peeta starts walking towards the pool. He stood beside it and lifts me so he's carrying me bridal style. He plants a kiss on my neck but I start to feel myself slowly slide out of his arms, "Wait no Peeta! This is Johanna's-"

But I'm cut off by him dropping me in the pool. When I reach the surface again I realise Johanna is going to be furious. I'm wearing her jumpsuit.

I scowl at Peeta as he pulls me out the pull but I soon laugh when he starts tickling me, "no it's not funny, Johanna's going to kill me" I squeal out in my laughter.

My head tilts up and I see Delly at the window of the bedroom with a shocked expression on her face, then again her face is always just one shocked expression. Every little thing, Delly either screams or jumps at.

Peeta turns me around and places his hands on the back of my thighs, "I'm sorry for getting you wet" he says giving them a gentle squeeze.

I wrap my arms around his neck and place my lips about an inch from his ear, "I was wet before but now I'm wet all over" I whisper, which makes his groan lightly.

"I know somewhere we could get even more wet" he tells me before taking my hand and leading me back inside.

I laugh when I realise he was talking about the shower, but I soon stop laughing when he unzips the jumpsuit, leaving me in just my underwear, "Care to shower with me?" He asks.

I would normally straight away say yes, but I should give Johanna her jumpsuit back, "I would but-"

"But nothing" he mumbles as he drags me into the shower.

"You're a bad influence" I say when we get under the water.

Peeta was just about to reply when we heard a scream. We both look at each other, then run out the shower, grabbing towels on the way.

When we figure out the scream came from the bedroom, we run in only to see Delly standing there with Johanna's jumpsuit in her hands, "She said this was custom made and now look at it!"

"Delly calm down" Peeta tells her before rolling his eyes.

"I'm going to wash it" I tell her but just then Johanna walks in.

"What the fuck is going on?" She asks.

"Katniss completely ruined your jumpsuit!" Delly exclaims. She's acting as if we're in high school. I'll wash it, it'll be as good as new. It's not like I've poured dye all over it or I've ripped it to shreds; but I know Johanna will mind.

"For fuck sake! I lend you my stuff and this is how you treat it!" Johanna shouts.

"It wasn't my fault!" I shout back.

"I threw her in the pool, I didn't know it was your dress" Peeta explains.

"It's not a dress! It's a custom made jumpsuit!" Johanna snaps.

"I told them" Delly says whilst nodding her head proudly.

Annie and Finnick walk in the room next and when the see the look on Johanna's face they immediately go back out the door. Lucky them.

"It's not even that! It's the fact that I lent you my stuff and you treated it like shit!"

"I didn't ask to be thrown in the pool! You really think I wanted to be thrown in a cold pool?" I say back to Johanna.

"I just won't lend you any of my stuff again"

"I don't want your shit!" I say before coming out of the room. I sit down at the breakfast counter to see a confused Cato staring at me.

"What happened?" He asks but I just let out a sigh before going through the door that leads to the Diary Room.

As I sit down in the chair I grip my hair hard at let out a groan, "Katniss, how can big brother help?"

"You need to get Johanna under control, she's insane"

"Big Brother remembers when you got a little angry too Miss Everdeen"

I scowl at the camera before responding, "That's because someone was being a dick"

"Okay okay, you were provoked. How about, Big Brother lets you have some control for a next task, will that calm you?"

I think about this for a moment, it depends on what task it is.

"This task is in your control completely. You will be given a series of activities and you have to decide which member of the house gets which one, do you understand?"

I nod my head in response. This could be good actually.

"Which housemate do you want to put in jail"


"Big Brother has a mini jail cell where your chosen housemate will remain for 24 hours"

I smirk, "let's put Johanna in the jail, let her cool off"

"Which housemate do you want to give a night off too?"

I think about this. If they get a night off they don't have to do any of the housework, they can just sit and relax.

"Annie" I tell the camera.

"Which two housemates do you want to spend time in the hotel room?"

"Hotel room?" I ask. What's this? We're in the Big Brother house, it's not like there's any little extension.

"Big Brother has a separate room set up for the two housemates of your choice to go there and not be filmed for 24 hours. You will have the day to do whatever you want without cameras."

"Me and Peeta" I respond instantly. Finally; some alone time. No cameras, just me and him. This'll be the first time we've ever spent time alone together.

"Which housemate do you want to become invisible?"

"What do you mean by invisible? What do you have an invisibility cloak?" I joke.

"No, the housemate you choose will have to be ignored by all housemates for 24 hours"

"Delly" I state. She deserves to be ignored. Although she could get irritating but that's for them to worry about.

"What housemate do you want to receive a take away?"

"Finnick" I state. He deserves a little treat. He's been going on about how he's not had anything but heathy foods in the entire time he's been here.

"And finally, which housemate do you want to receive a letter from home?"

"Cato" I say. He's not heard from his mum the whole time he's been here. He heard from his dad on the phone task but not his mum and I know he misses her dearly.

"Thank you Miss Everdeen. Please leave the Diary Room. The task will begin in an hour. Until then remain quiet about your decisions"

"Thank you Big Brother" I say before getting up and going outside the Diary Room.

I find Peeta standing waiting for me outside the door and I immediately bring my lips to his and smile in the kiss.

24 hours. Just me and Peeta. No cameras.

The House - An Everlark Fanfiction {Completed}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz