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Stori's POV

    I opened my eyes and could barely believe what I was seeing.  There were balloons and streamers lining my ceiling.  There was confetti EVERYWHERE!  There was even an ice cream cake on my nightstand!  It was amazing to say the absolute least.  I saw a few presents beside my bed as well.  My first thought was "Who did this?"  It was great!  I noticed Ebby and Mom standing in my doorway.  Mom was smiling like crazy.  She looked even happier than usual, seeing my happy, shocked face.  Ebby looked even more excited than her.  "Did you do this, Ebb?"  He nodded forcefully.  I grinned excitedly.

"I know, I'm the best!" he giggled.

"Yeah, yeah.  I love you, Ebb.  You're the best!"

"Well come on!  This isn't all I've got for you!  I have stuff planned for you babe!"

"What even? Ebby what are you up to?"

   Mom looked as confused as I was, so I assumed that she knew about as much about this as I did.  Before I knew it, though, Ebby had grabbed my hand and was dragging me out of bed.  I had no clue what he had planned for me.  I didn't even know that he knew my birthday.  Mom must have told him.

"Go in the bathroom and clean yourself up.  Then, we'll get going to your birthday surprise!"

"Geez Ebb, thanks."

"What do you mean?"

"Go in the bathroom and clean yourself up.." I said, mocking him.

"You stanky girl!"  he said, holding his nose.

    With that, he pushed me into the bathroom.  I took a shower and grabbed a dress with cheshire cats all over it.  I dried and brushed my light brown hair.  It frizzed out a bit, because it is so wavy.  I tied it up with a white bow on top of my head. I was ready to go.  I pulled on some ballet pumps and walked out.

   Ebby was waiting for me outside when I came out.  He was wearing a blue and white plaid shirt that made him look really fancy.  He was also wearing dark blue ripped up jeans.  He looked quite cute.  

"Where are we going?"

"Not telling!"

"Come on!  I'll find out eventually!"

"No you won't!" he said, pulling out a blindfold.


Don't worry I'm back now guys! I'm staying here for a while now!

-Sqampycadetxox <3

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