Forever & Alone chp.3

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I opened the door and walked in with a bored expression. The teacher stopped her lesson and glared at me. I gave her a small mocking smile and a two finger wave.

She sighed irritated. “Take a seat Ms. River.”

Ms. Willow knows by now that I will either twist or mock practically every word that spills out of her mouth so she gave up pretty quickly on me and just simply orders me to take a seat. 

Don’t get me wrong, if I truly wanted to annoy the tits out of her I would, but for the most part I leave her alone since she gives up easily. She isn’t as fun as some other teachers.

I walk to the back of the room to where I normally sit. Usually I’m the only person in the back which is the way I like it, but this time was different.

A skinny guy with messy light brown hair sat on the seat beside the one I usually sit at. He had a big goofy smile on his face with his eyes closed and headphones plugged into his ears.

Seriously, the fuck?

I sat down heavily on my seat and propped my feet on the desk as I rested my back against the wall behind me. I crossed my arms over my chest and closed my eyes ignoring the world around me.

If only things went my way.

Apparently the stoner beside me wanted to talk to me when I’m trying to have some f*cking peace.

I don’t really know if he’s a stoner, but I mean come on, no one can be that happy. Life sucks, how can anyone be that happy?

“What?” I hissed opening my eyes to glare at him.

He kept saying ‘hey’ over and over again waving his f*cking hand in front of my face as if I’d be able to see it when my eyes are closed. Dumbass.

“Hey, I’m Jace. You are?” He asked with that shit eating grin.

I just glared at him for a few minutes in dead silence. 

“I don’t have a name.” I said and closed my eyes again.

“Then what do they call you?” He asked incredulous.

Luckily the bell rang at that precise moment so I didn’t have to bother with conversing any longer. I got my shit and dashed out of the room to avoid people as much as possible.

Just two more classes before I can hide out somewhere during lunch.

I pushed a freshman out of my way. I mean he was just standing there in the middle of the f*cking hall!

Damn people!

I’m dead serious when I tell people I’m a f*cking sunshine.

* * *

I walked down the hallway surrounded by dumbasses. 

It is finally lunch time and I don’t know if I’m glad or want to punch people in the face.

It’s a combination of both actually.

I’m glad I have a break from classes and overly sensitive teachers that take everything I say to heart and want to send me to the principal’s office.

I want to punch people in the face because now everywhere I f*cking walk is a moron society calls a teenager.

I pushed my way through the mass of stupidity until I was able to exit the school. I plugged in my headphones listening to ‘Free Now’ by Sleeping with Sirens as I walked to the far end of the field and sat under a tree casting a shadow dark enough that no one can see that I’m here.

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