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"I'm done, Chat!" she yelled at his face. "I hate those rumours,"

"They are just rumours, Ladybug. They'll go away!" he said, grabbing her shoulders. "Don't worry about it too much."

"Chat, it's been a week and nothing has changed," she sighed and pushed him away.

"It's the first time they accused you of something like this, but it's definitely not the last," Chat stated and looked at her with care in his eyes. "I know that you wouldn't do such horrible thing,"

Ladybug felt angry all of the sudden. All anger that she was holding back this past week, it all came out.

"If they want me to be a thief, then I'm going to become one," she said, before running away. Away from him. Away from the person that tried to help her.


It's been six months since they defeated Hawkmoth.

It's been five months and three weeks since the rumours started.

It's been five months and two weeks since Ladybug went rogue.

It's been five months and one week since Chat Noir tried to take his lady down for good.

It's been five months since Ladybug had lost Chat as her partner and as a friend.

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