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"What about Adrien?" he asked, he was happy that she loved him.

"A part of me will always love him. He was my first crush after all, but maybe I should get another crush soon," she partly smiled.

He pulled her into a hug and kissed the top of her head. 

"Let's get you home. It's getting chilly," he said, picking her up, which made her squick. 

"Put me down, I can walk by myself, silly cat!" she said, trying to free herself from his grip. 

"Na-ah, Princess. Now let's go," Tikki hid in her purse and it wasn't long as they started climbing down the Eiffel Tower. She covered her eyes with her hands, not used to be on this height without her yoyo. 

She wrapped her arms around his neck and squicked again as he jumped down. 

Marinette burried her head into his chest. 

"Princess, calm down. We're safe on the floor," he chuckled as she slowly looked up in his green eyes. 

She let out air she didn't even know she was holding and slowly tried to get out of his grip, but failing. 

"Can you let me go?" she asked, annoyed. 

He shook his head. "What kind of gentleman would I be if I didn't escort a lady to her home?"

She laughed, when he ran towards her home and gently put her down on her balcony. 

"I'm so happy I leave this thing open," she said as she opened the trapdoor and pulled Chat with her. He was suprised, but didn't protest. 

It was around ten p.m. 

"Do you want some cookies?" she asked, smiling. He nodded as he walked around her room.

It didn't take her long to come back with cookies on the plate. He stole one before she could do anything and stuffed it in his mouth.

She just laughed and put the plate down. "I'm calling you cookie monster," 

"Call me whatever you like," he pulled her closer by the hand, so their noses were touching. 

Was he ready to tell her that he loved her too? Or was it too soon? Would she take the advantage of it? 

She smiled and hugged him. "Thank you for this," 

"For what?" he asked. 

"For bringing me back," 


This was now their routine. He would chase her, she would just laugh at his face, not struggling at all to outrun him. 

"Ladybug!" he shouted as he tried to run even faster. 

She stopped on the edge of a roof. "You know what, kitty cat?" 

He tried to grab her, when he was close enough, but she moved, so he nearly fell off the building. 

She pulled him back by his tail and smirked. 

"Falling for me so soon, Chaton?" she asked,  smirk clearly heard in her voice.

His expression turned into mix of confusion and sadness. 

He tried to grab her again, but she moved again. 

"Kitty cat, don't waste your energy," 

He took out his baton and pointed it at her. "Fight me,"

She rolled her eyes as she took her yoyo and started spinning it. 

He attacked first, sliding between her feet trying to hit her from behind. She quickly jumped away and dodged every hit he sent her. 

She just laughed as she wrapped her yoyo around his baton, yanking him forwards. 

He fell to her feet, angrily looking up at her. "I'm not stopping until I bring you back,"

She kneeled down to him. She caressed his cheek and smiled. "You're not bringing me back, kitty,"

He roared as he picked himself up, trying to strike again. She moved out of the way just the right time, so she wasn't hit.

"Don't bother," she said. 

"You're not bring me back," she repeated, which made Chat sad more than ever. "Besides, it looks good on you, being so fierce all the time,"

*end of the flashback*


I'm sorry this is a little shorter chapter, but I hope you enjoyed it anyway. 

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