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Adrien paced around the room at four am. That night he couldn't sleep and he knew he wouldn't either.

"Kid, jeez calm down. It's Marinette. So?," Plagg groaned. "I'm trying to sleep."

She was there beside him all the time. And he never noticed.

He saw how Marinette's behavior changed a few months ago. But he shrugged it off, saying it was just a coincidence. Now he knew it wasn't.

"Look, you found out who she is, now you better figure how to stop her," Plagg said. "Stop with thinking who she is and start with how to take her down,"

Adrien nodded. "Yeah, good idea."

"Also go to sleep. You don't have to do it today," Plagg said, before turning off the light, earning a groan from the boy.


He didn't sleep. Not at all.

Plagg knew that, but he snuck out anyway. He flew over to Marinette's balcony.

He didn't have troble entering and finding Tikki.

As soon as she saw him, she hugged him. "Plagg, I'm so sorry. I'm trying,"

"It's okay. Adrien figured out who she is. Now we have advantage and she doesn't," he sighed.

"Wait, Adrien? As in Adrien Agreste?" she asked shocked.

"I should have not said that," Plag shrugged.

"No, it's not that," Tikki shook her head. "This is good,"

Plagg looked at her weirdly. "What's good at this? All we can do is being followed by cameramen,"

Tikki rolled her eyes at Plagg's stupid comment. "No silly. Make Adrien confuse her. She has a crush on him. Make her confused,"


"Plagg?" Adrien muttered as he looked for a small kwami. Adrien rolled his eyes, thinking the little cat is sleeping somewhere.

He didn't see it slipping inside his room again.

At seven o'clock he stood up, being really tired, but he couldn't sleep.

Plagg sat on his shoulder and wispered something in his ear.

"WHAT? Are you nuts, Plagg?" he asked his little kwami.

"Trust me. It'll work,"

Adrien sighed and hated himself for actually listening to him. He got dressed and waited.

Nathalie came to his room not long after, seeing he was ready.

She gave him the schedule and left him.

When he arrived to school, he became nervous. What if Plagg's plan doesn't work?

He saw the girl with pingtails infront of him and she smiled at him. "Hello, Adrien,"

"Hey Marinette," he replied. When she wanted to walk away, he grabbed her hand. "I-I was meaning to ask y-you if...-"

"Guys!" Alya screamed. The two teens and Nino in the background turned to her. "You need to see this,"

Adrien wasn't happy he got interrupted, but he still went with it.

"Someone just mailed me a picture," she scrolled down on her tablet. "Of Chat Noir and Ladybug kissing,"

A shock strucked Adrien as all of them looked at the picture. It wasn't clear, but it was visible they were kissing.

Adrien cursed his luck for working today.

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