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"Ladybug stop!" Chat Noir yelled. It was the first time he ever chased through the rooftops. His eyes were watery, because he didn't actually believe she'd do it.

But she did.

"Why would I do that, silly kitty?" she was a few meters infront of him as they were running.

"You can come back, you can be their hero again!" he yelled. "It's not too late!"

"Yes it is!" she said. She stopped and waited for him to catch up to her.

She lifted his head and looked into his eyes. "I'm never returning back, Chat,"

"Yes, you are. Please, my lady," he said.

"No, Chat. It's done," she smiled sadly. "They got what they wanted," she looked away from him.

"You can join me, Chaton," she smiled, giving him a hand. He looked at her angrily.

"Ladybug, I'm not stopping until you are back on the good side," he said, looking at her seriously. "And I don't care what it takes!"


"What about if we say, ..." he grabbed her shoulders and lowered his head so he was at her eye level. He moved a little to the left, so he was against her ear. "...-Adrien Agreste?"

"W-What?" her eyes went wide.

"I asked you if you're dating Adrien Agreste," he repeated. He saw how shock hit her. "By your expressing I'd say you are,"

"W-What are you talking about, kitty cat?" she asked, looking at him weirdly. "I'm not dating him."

"Oh really, Marinette? You don't?" he stepped towards her.

"M-Marinette?" she asked. "I think you h-have the wrong person,"

"I do?" he smirked. He had her now.

"Y-Yeah, why would you think I'm M-Marinette?" she asked, while stepping one step back.

"Because I saw you transform, Princess," his white teeth showed, while he smirked.

"I-I..-no you didn't..-" she shook her head as she started backing away. "I-I'm not Marinette,"

"Yes you are," he grabbed her shoulders and looked in her blue eyes. "Same beautiful eyes, same hair," he twirled a lock of her hair between his fingers.

Her breathing quickened and slowly tried to move away, but he didn't let her go.

"Now, let's go through the facts," he let her go of her shoulders.

"W-What do you mean?" she asked, you could hear the fear in her voice. If anyone found out her family and everyone she loves would hate her.

They wouldn't be in danger, Hawkmoth is long gone.

She couldn't bear the thought of her family hating on her. Adrien hating on her.

"Stop this madness, Ladybug. And I'm not telling anyone," he smiled at her.

She looked at the floor. "You wouldn't do it,"

He looked at her suprised. "You think?"

She was sure he wouldn't do it. He didn't have it in him.

"No, you won't do it," she said, confidently.

"Right. I won't," he smirked. "Just don't cry tomorrow, when someone won't like you anymore,"

"You're not going to do it,"

"Remember the first time I chased you through the rooftops?" he asked her and she nodded. "I promised you I'd do anything to get you back and I'm keeping that promise,"

He winked at her, before running away.

"What have I done?" she whisped to herself. He wouldn't do it, would he?

She tried running after him, but she didn't find him anywhere.

She gave up and went home. She couldn't sleep at night because of it. Would he really tell someone?


When the morning finally came, she got up and did her morning routine, before going to school.

"Hey girl," Alya greeted her. So Alya didn't know.

"Hi, dudettes," Nino smiled at them. Adrien came the last, but he was quiet the whole time. He didn't step to Marinette, he didn't even say hello.

"Dude, are you okay?" Nino asked his best friend, who just nodded. Marinette's heart started racing. Was he the one Chat Noir told about her?

"A-Adrien, could we talk?" she asked her boyfriend, who was staring at the floor.

"I don't feel like talking, Marinette," he said, turning his back to her. It was hard to pretend, but he was doing a great job.

Alya and Nino looked weirdly at them, before Alya dragged Nino away.

"He told you," she sighed. Adrien knew what she was talking about.

"Yeah. I didn't believe it at first, but when he explained it was to obvious to miss," he said, looking up in her eyes. This time she was the one who looked down.

"Why Marinette?" he asked. "Why do you do it?"

"They made me do it," she whispered.

"No one makes you do anything. You chose the path," he said. "Don't deny it,"

"I'm not," she sighed.

"I-I don't know how we'll make it work like this," he turned around. "If you stop, that would be another story,"

She watched how he walked away. "Adrien wait!"

He stopped and turned around. "Yes, Marinette?"

"I-I'm sorry," she said, letting tears fall from her eyes.

"It's not me, who you should apologize to," he said. He hated seeing her like this. But his promise will remain. He would do anything to get his lady back, even if it means hurting both of them in the process.

"But-.." she wanted to say something to her, but his lips cut her off. A kiss was gentle.

"I like you, Marinette and I can promise you I won't tell anyone. But if you don't stop ... you won't give me a choice," he said, before walking away, leaving her speechless.

She sighed as she went to the class. She sat down on her usual spot.

It wasn't long after Alya came and asked her a bunch of questions.

"Look it doesn't matter," she shook her off. Alya didn't push it, but she made a note to ask Adrien about it.


After school, Alya dragged Adrien somewhere, where they were alone.

"What the hell is going up with you two?" she asked him.

"I think it's the best if she tells you by herself. If you found out from me, you wouldn't believe it,"

"Spit it out,"

"I promised her I wouldn't. And I'm keeping my promise. I'm sorry,"

Adrien wasn't the one to tell her.

But who said Chat couldn't bring the news?


Some crap of a chapter, but hope you liked it! 😁😁😂

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