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"Oh my god," Marinette whispered to herself as she saw the scene infront of her. 

It wasn't a big deal, but she liked it anyways. 

There was a blanket on the grass, basket was also there and a few candles here and there.

"I hope you like it," he smiled as he took her hand and led her to it. They sat down on the blanket and started talking. 

Half of the time they shared embarrassing stories of them, but there were some moments when they would playfully say something over their best friends. 

"I can't even believe that he liked me," Marinette laughed. "I mean, I have always seen Nino as a friend, nothing more,"

"Yeah, I was shocked too," he smiled. "He acted normally around you and suddenly he started stuttering,"

She groaned, when she remembered all the stupid moments when she would stutter around Adrien. 

"Are you okay?" he asked her. 

She stopped on her tracks, when he looked her right in the eye. 

They were already in the position, which nobody knew how they got in.

His head was lying on her lap, while she caressed his hair. She swore she has felt hair like this before. She just couldn't figure where. 

They just stared in each other's eyes, before Adrien slowly moved his hand to her cheek and pulled her closer to himself, as he lifted his head. 

They were really close to each other and Marinette's heart was racing so much it could jump out of her chest any second. 

This is what she wanted. 

For so long.

Not that silly kitty.

He gave up and pressed their lips together, smiling into the kiss. 

It wasn't long. It was a simple kiss. 

"I really like you, Marinette," he said, dead serious. 

"I like you too, Adrien," she giggled as she played with his hair. 

They talked for long, before they finally decided it was time to go. 

Adrien walked her home.

"I'll see you," she smiled at him, but the flirt he is, he didn't let go. 

He pulled her closer. "I wanted to ask you something," 

"And that is?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I-I ... would you be my girlfriend?" 

Her heart fluttered and kissed him. 

Why did those lips feel so familliar?

"I'm taking that as a yes," he kissed her cheek, before they said goodbye. 



She hadn't seen her kitty in a long time and she started missing him. She was dating Adrien and all of the people knew it. 

Chloe was jealous, but that didn't stop them from dating. 

She sighed as she lifted her head from her pillow. 

"Where is Chat?" she mumbled to herself, but loud enough for Tikki to hear it.

"Weren't you suppose to date Adrien?" she asked her as she flew over to her holder. 

"I can't stop thinking about Chat. Is that so wrong?" she asked her little kwami. 

"I don't know. It's definitely not fair to Adrien to have another boy on your mind," Tikki shrugged. "Maybe you should go look for him tonight,"

"You think? I couldn't find him any day since Friday and I'm starting to worry," she sighed. 

Before Tikki could say anything, Marinette transformed. 

She opened the trapdoor and ran out. She jumped from roof to another in search for her kitty cat.

"Looking for someone?" a voice startled her. She turned around and saw Chat Noir grinning at her. 

He walked over to her and leaned close enough to hear her breathing. He was playing a game. It was simple. 

Confuse the innocent girl. Who wasn't really innocent. 

Before she could lean in, she pushed him away, but it was hard for her. 

"I-I can't do that," she whispered silently. 

"Why not?" he asked, narrowing his eyes. 

"I-I'm dating someone," she sighed and turned around from him. He smirked, because he knew this was the time for his plan to begin. 

"Oh really?" he said. "And who may that be?"

"Why would I tell you? You could just find him and you wouldn't be close away from my identity," she smirked at him, thinking she knew what he did. 

But she was so wrong.

His little game hasn't even started yet.

"You're smart, my lady, I give you that," he laughed. "But maybe I can guess!"

"Guess what?" she was confused.

"Well his name of course!" he exclaimed. 

"Even if you get it right, I'm not telling you," she shrugged. "But go ahead, I want to see you try,"

Please, Princess I don't have to try. I know. 

"Okay, so maybe his name is ..." he made a thinking face. "George?"

"What?" she looked like she was going to burts out laughing. "No, of course not!"

"Okay, so what about Connor?" he asked. 

"Chat, stop you're terrible at this. You can never guess his name," she laughed. "There are a lot of boys in Paris!"

"What if I figure out his full name?" he asked, hope in his eyes that she would say yes to his silliness. 

"Sure, why not? You don't stand a chance," she couldn't stop laughing. 

"What about if we say, ..." he grabbed her shoulders and lowered his head so he was at her eye level. He moved a little to the left, so he was against her ear. "...-Adrien Agreste?"



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