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"Put your hands in the air," three cops shouted as Ladybug did so, but Chat Noir took out his baton, pointing it at them.

"She explained everything! What are you doing?" he yelled at them. 

"That doesn't make up for all the things she stole," the tallest one said.

"I'm sorry, but I can't let you take her," he grabbed her around the waist, before he ran towards the door, dodging and moving away from the cops.

When they were out of the sight, on some rooftop, Ladybug finally looked at him. "Why didn't you let them take me?"

Chat looked at her with sad eyes. "No one touches my princess,"

"You should just let them. I deserve it anyway," floor seemed interesting all of the sudden.

"Maybe you do. But that doesn't mean you will get it," he lifted her chin with his hand carefully not to hurt her with his claws. 

She looked at him and sighed. "I don't know, Chat. I mean I..-"

How was she supposed to finish that sentence?

"You quit this stupid thing. Now stop and start breathing again. I'm sure all of those who know will be your friends again," Chat pecked her cheek.

"Adrien," she mumbled and he nodded.

"Let's go,"

They parted at her balcony, she went to bed immediately, he on the other hand went out again.

He sat down at the Eiffel Tower, looking at the city infront of him.

He missed the rush, the adrenaline of chasing akumas through the city. He missed how Ladybug's lucky charm fixed everything.

Now that Hawkmoth is defeated ... Paris was back to normal as it was before. 

"I miss it too, you know," a voice said, sneaking up behind him. 

"I told you to get some sleep, my lady," he said. She just smiled at him.

"Yeah, I know, but who would make company to my kitty then?" she chuckled as she sat down beside him.

Their legs were dangerously dangling off the tower and it couldn't be more perfect to watch the sunset.

He interwined his fingers with hers and smiled at her. "I'm never letting you go,"

"Don't ever try," she leaned on his shoulder and smiled. "Do you think they will ever forgive me?"

Chat Noir looked at her. "I'm not saying that is impossible, but it will be hard,"

"I know," she whispered and smiled sadly. 

He hugged her over the shoulders with one arm, as they watched the city below them. 


It's been three days, since Ladybug explained all the things. Of course everything was blowing up on social media.

"Plagg, we need to do something. People are not forgiving her," Adrien sighed as he sat at his desk, trying to do homework, but failing at it. 

"I'm sorry, kid. She has to learn a lesson and so do you. Right now you can't help her," cat kwami replied.

Adrien knew he was right, so he just put his head in his hands and sighed.

"Maybe we could visit her?" the hopeful boy asked, but Plagg looked at him angrily, which put Adrien back on Earth.

"She needs to get through this alone. You'll see her tomorrow in school," Plagg said and shook his tiny head. 

"But...-" Plagg's look shut his mouth and started doing homework again. 


The next morning finally came for Adrien, but not so finally for Marinette. 

She groaned as she pulled herself out of bed and did her morning routine. "Hey maman, papa,"

Her parents greeted her back and she ate her breakfast in peace. She nearly fell asleep doing it as well.

"You should better head to school. It's already 7.45," her mum said, smiling at her, before walking back to bakery. 

Marinette nodded as she finally dragged herself to school.

"Woah, girl you look like you got hit by a car," Alya laughed, when she saw her best friend. 

"Close enough," Marinette muttered under her breath.

"You know it's nice what you did. People will need time to forgive you, but they will eventually," Alya patted her back, before walking in class.

When Marinette realized her words, she woke up from her daydream and stopped her friend on the spot. "You know?!" 

"Yeah, I'm not stupid," Alya laughed. "I'm pissed at you for all of those things you've said to me and the things you've done, but I will pretend they never happened,"

Marinette still stood there, her mouth wide opened. 

In that moment, Adrien walked into class. He saw Marinette and smiled at her. 

She was too suprised to return the smile, so before she could process and do something, Madame Bustier started the class.

After all the classes had ended, Adrien pulled her away from others. 

"Look if this is about me..-" he shut her off with a kiss. She suprisedly kissed him back, even though she loved Chat.

They pulled away soon after. "A-Adrien, I can't do this," 

She looked at the floor and sighed. "Do you think you're cheating?"

Marinette shook her head. "I love him, I can't do this,"

Adrien smiled. She really did love him. "Well then you don't have to,"

He lifted her chin so she was looking at him. "You don't have to cheat,"

She pulled away completely and turned around. "I-I mean we aren't even dating... It's not like I'm cheating  on him ..."

A green light appeared behind her and she flinched. She slowly turned around and saw a too familliar smirk standing there.

"Adrien? You're C-Chat?"



I just have a lot of stuff going on right now and ALSO I SAW CIVIL WAR TODAY. OMG THE BEST FILM EVER *......*

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