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She was confused. What was the damn cat doing?

"Tikki, what is he doing?" Marinette asked her kwami. She looked up from her cookie and shook her head.

"I don't know, Mari. Maybe finally decided to join you?" she lied. Of course she knew what was happening, she and Plagg made this plan. But as long as Marinette doesn't order her to tell, she can say anything.

"I hope so too," she smirked. "Then anything can happen,"

Tikki just went back to eating her cookie. It wasn't long after she transformed and ran out of her window, towards the museum.

She heard there was a new painting arriving today.

She watched the secutity guards trying to take the picture in without anyone noticing, but they couldn't be more obvious.

She just chuckled and shook her head at their stupidity.

She landed infront of them and all of them pulled out their weapons.

"Woah, no need to get angry," she chuckled. Two guards took the painting inside, while the others tried to grab the masked heroine.

They failed though.

"I guess it was the time I showed up," she heard laughing behind her. She turned around and saw a boy in tight lether suit standing there with his baton on his shoulders.

"Yeah. Those guards were way to easy to beat," she smirked. He had a plan, not that she knew it.

They looked at each other for a while, a crowd forming around them.

Their phones were out, filming the suituaton infront of them.

"I don't know about you, Buginette, but I feel a urgent need to have a cat fight," he gave her one of his singature smirks.

"I guess the silly kitty is back," she said before attacking him. He smirked as he dodged the attack.

She threw her yoyo at him, but he set his baton infront of him, so the string wrapped around it.

When she wasn't paying attention, he pulled her forwards. She fell infront of him and smirked.

"I really think your tehnic has improved, but I'm still better than you," she laughed. As she wanted to stand up, he extended the baton, sending them both up.

She let out a shriek and unwrapped her yoyo, but this caused her to fall down.

"Chat!" she yelled as she threw her yoyo and begged he would catch her.

Before she could feel the floor beneath her, she stopped in the mid air. She let out a sigh of relief, when something pulled her upwards.

Soon they had their faces on the same level and a smirking face caught her afraid one.

"Go, before I arrest you," he wispered by her lips, before kissing her lightly and letting her go.

She confused did as she was told and soon she was gone.

He let out a sigh. He returned to the ground and was greeted by a crowd that watched the whole fight.

None of them have seen what actually happened, because it was too high in the air.

He smiled at them, before he ran home.

He jumped through his window and started laughing as soon as he released his transform.

"You're torturing the poor girl," Plagg shook his head.

"She deserves it," Adrien shrugged. "Besides this is fun,"

"Can't argue you on that one," Plagg laughed a little.

"Maybe we could visit a special girl?" Adrien asked.

"Are you trying to say, you'll visit Marinette?" Plagg exclaimed. "As Chat Noir?"

"No, god no. But a little of Adrien won't hurt," he smirked at Plagg. His little kwami just sighed. "Whatever you say, kid,"


When he arrived at the Dupain-Cheng's bakery, he didn't hesitate to enter. Adrien was greeted by Marinette's mom at the front.

"Adrien! It's so nice to see you again!" she hugged him. He was suprised, like really suprised, but he returned the hug anyway.

"I was wondering if Marinette's home?" he asked.

"Oh yeah. She should be in her room. Just go up the stairs," she showed at the door behind her.

There wasn't much costumers in the bakery, so they could talk freely.

"Adrien!" Tom was happy he saw the boy again.

He chatted a little with him too, before finally going upstairs and knocking on her door.

"Uh, come in!" she yelled and he entered the room. She spun around on her chair and surpisedly looked at him.

"Adrien!" she squicked. "What are you doing here?"

He shrugged. "I was bored,"

"Uh, it's nice to see you," she smiled at him. She was still suprised.

The pictures of him were long gone, so she didn't have anything to be embarrassed about.

"I-I'm sorry, I should've called," he apologized.

"No. It's fine. I'm just ..." confused. "..-suprised,"

They looked at each other for a while, before Marinette spoke up. "Wanna play video games?"

Adrien nodded and smiled at her, before he sat on extra chair.

He prepared his controler and soon they started. Of course she won. She was amazing at these things. They laughed. A lot.

"Hey kids!" Tom and Sabine came up, offering them cookies and they gladly took them.

They kept coming up and Adrien couldn't do anything but laugh.

"I'm sorry. They are embarrassing at the times," Marinette apologized.

"No need to be sorry. I wish I had parents like them," he smiled at her, but his smile turned into a frown.

"I-I...-wanna some cookies?" she offered the plate to him and he laughed. He took one and ate it.

"These are amazing, Marinette," he complimented it. She slightly blushed and he couldn't do anything else but thinking about his plan. It was working.

"Are we tomorrow still going?" Marinette asked and Adrien smiled and nodded.

They played a few more video games and Adrien once actually won.

She was so happy to see him laugh.

But she was torn. Is going with him on a date fair to both of the boys?

Chat Noir has been on her mind since the first time he tried chasing her through the city. But there was Adrien, her crush, who was an example of perfection.

"..-inette, Marinette?" her head shoot up, causing to hit him.

"I'm so sorry!" she exclaimed. "I got lost in thought,"

"It's okay, don't worry," he looked at the clock. "I should better go."

He kissed her on the cheek. "See you tomorrow,"

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