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"Hello, people of Paris," Ladybug spoke. Chat Noir was guarding the door, so nobody came in the studio. "I'm aware of the horrors I've done in the past half a year and I-I know that I'm responsible for a lot, but I want to tell you the whole story. You never heard it,"

"My lady, watch out!" Chat Noir shouted and she dodged Hawkmoth's hit for only a centimeter. 

"Give me your miraculous! You're helpless against me!" Hawkmoth roared at them. Chat Noir helped Ladybug up and she supported herself onto his shoulder. 

"You're the one helpless here! We have each other! You have no one!" Ladybug yelled at his face.

*after the fight*

The fight was exhausting, both of them were bruised, but they managed to win. Hawkmoth was laying on the floor too, his pin away from him, Chat Noir holding it in his hand. 

Both of their miraculous were beeping, but Ladybug took the chance of hugging her partner and taking the pin from him. Maybe a little too strong, so it moved him a little. 

"That hurt," he looked playfully at her. She gave him a faked angry look. "Grow up, Chaton,"

People were there around and some saw it. "I'm going to give this back to Master Fu, back to where it belongs,"

"I agree. These jewels shouldn't fall into wrong hands," Chat Noir smiled at her. It was over. It finally was over!

"I need to go. See you around, Chat," she saw, before she swang away with her yoyo. 

It wasn't till the next morning, when she saw the news that Hawkmoth was defeated. 

"It took them a while," she laughed and looked at the sleeping kwami. It was a really tiring fight for both of them, but Marinette had to go to school. 

She didn't need Tikki constantly, since she knew no akuma could ever come again. Which actually saddened her. 

That meant no more flirting Chat and no more fighting by his side. Of course they could be friends, but would it be the same?

She cleaned and patched up her bruises up with make-up, so they were no where to be seen. 

Before she could enter the school gates, her best friend Alya, hugging her. "You're okay!"

Even if the miraculous light put everything on its place, a lot of people was hurt. 

"Thank god, you are okay," Alya hugged her so tightly, Marinette nearly stopped breathing. 

"I'm fine, Alya," she assured her best friend. 

"I couldn't find you anywhere during the fight and I was so scared that..-" "Calm down, girl. I'm fine. I was hiding in the park," 

Park was the only place that wasn't damaged.

"Oh thank god," she hugged Marinette again, before pulling her to class.

Of course the previous day's fight was the main subject of gossip. Marinette didn't even expect anything else.

She sat down in her sit and looked around, seeing that Adrien still wasn't there, which was really weird. 

He was there always at least fifteen minutes early. 

The bell rang and Miss Bustier started teaching the class. It wasn't until five minutes after the class started, when a knock on the door was heard. 

The doors opened and Adrien walked in all sleepy. "I'm sorry, Miss, I overslept," 

He was really exhaused. When the fight ended, there was still adrenaline rushing through him, but when he flopped on his bed, it was over for him and he fell to sleep. 

"This is your first time, being late. I'm letting you go with a warning," she nicely smiled at him and he gratefully nodded, before sitting down in a sit infront Marinette's.

Week was long, no akuma attacks and if Marinette was honest, she missed it. Mostly she missed her partner.

But it wasn't until next week that they met again. She went out for a run, because she missed that wind in her hair. 

People cheered when they saw her and it wasn't long until she bumped into her partner.

"Chat," she smiled and hugged him tightly. She had missed him, no matter how she didn't want to admit it.

"My lady," he laughed, hugging her even tighter. 


After the talk, where they laughed and finally had a good time like friends, they headed home. Nobody said anything about them revealing their identities. It wasn't needed.

They just needed each other. 

The next day was Saturday, which meant she could sleep longer. She got up and stretched. She did her morning routine, before she turned on her computer and looked at the news. 

'Ladybug stealing?'

'Ladybug going bad?'

'The most trusted hero of Paris going bad?'

She looked through the news, shocked anyone would actually think something like that. There pictures from the crime scene, when she took a pin out of Chat's hands. Her face looked angry and his kind of suprised. 

"Why would they think I'm stealing? That doesn't make any sense!" Marinette exclaimed, Tikki flying up to her. When she saw the news, her eyes widened.

'This can't be happening again,' Tikki thought. 

"I need to talk to Chat,"


I't's been a week.' she thought. 

"I'm sure, they will go away soon, my lady," he smiled at her reassuringly. 

"No, they won't!" she was pissed. 

"Ladybug, calm down," he tried. 

"I'm done, Chat!" she yelled at his face. "I hate those rumours,"

"They are just rumours, Ladybug. They'll go away!" he said, grabbing her shoulders. "Don't worry about it too much."

"Chat, it's been a week and nothing has changed," she sighed and pushed him away.

"It's the first time they accused you of something like this, but it's definitely not the last," Chat stated and looked at her with care in his eyes. "I know that you wouldn't do such horrible thing,"

Ladybug felt angry all of the sudden. All anger that she was holding back this past week, it all came out.

"If they want me to be a thief, then I'm going to become one," she said, before running away. Away from him. Away from the person that tried to help her.

"This is the whole story. This is the truth. I don't blame any of you. I blame myself for being so careless and let my anger blind my judgements. I know a lot of you won't forgive me. Some of you will never forgive me. And I don't ask for forgiveness, because I can't even forgive myself, but I ask for you to understand what I'm saying. I want you to know I'm just human, just like all of you, exept for a mask I wear. I promise I will stop and I'm never stealing ever again. I need to thank Chat Noir for that, thank you so much," 

She turned off the camera and started crying. Chat ran to her and held her in his arms. "It's going to be okay, Marinette,"

He kissed her cheek, but in that moment at least ten cops came through the door. 



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