Chapter 6

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WARNING! From here on out, the chapters may be considered triggering (strong mentions of self-harm and suicide). I beg you to read at your own risk, and if you ever feel like some of the characters in this story then tell someone; anyone. Don't suffer in silence. There are people who love you, like me! X

Draco's POV

I woke up feeling stiff and sore, on the floor of a... broom closet? Sighing, I realized it was Monday and got up. Everything about me ached, my back, my legs, my arms, my neck. Looking in the reflection of a metal bucket, I could see I was a mess, my hair stuck up in all directions and my eyes were shadowed with purple and black bags. I also noticed that my potion had worn off, looking in my bag, I saw that half the potion had leaked. fabulous. I downed the half I had and made a mental reminder to pick up some more from my dorm after my first lesson. Looking back at my reflection, I attempted to rake my fingers through my hair and de-crumple my robes be for taking a big breath and leaving the broom cupboard.

No-one was in the halls around me but I could hear the raucous noises of breakfast coming from my left so I assumed that it was around 7 am. Deciding that, once again, I wasn't hungry, I left the corridor I was in and made my way to the first session I had - defense against the dark arts.

When I reached the classroom I sat down as usual and continued to read my book until the rest of my class arrived. When they finally did, we headed into the class and were met by a strange sight indeed. Our new Professor, Professor Lupin, was standing in front of a large black cabinet that was rattling and shaking as though it was in the midst of an earthquake. I stayed at the back of the class engulfed partly in shadows as Granger explained to the class what a boggart was. The last time I remembered facing a boggart was when I was seven and a muggle villain named 'Darth Maul' from a poster I had seen came waltzing out of my wardrobe.

Somehow, I doubted that he would still be my greatest fear.

"Alright everyone form a line behind Longbottom,  we will release the boggart on the count of three." I was drawn from my thoughts by the sound of Professor Lupin's instructions and the shuffling of the class. I immediately hid at the back of the line and watched with bated breath as Lupin raised his wand "one" the wardrobe shook . "Two" Longbottom shakily raised his wand. "Three!" The door shot open and none other than my Godfather Professor Snape sauntered out. He wore his usual black cloak but it slowly became billowing black smoke the further to the floor it was. Boggart Snape strolled towards Longbottom slowly and deliberately until "Riddikulus" with a loud crack , Professor Snape changed and morphed until he was wearing a ghastly selection of floral robes. The whole room rang with laughter as Weasley went up next.

Is it just me who doesn't find this funny? If anything I felt slightly sorry for the boggart .

I watched from the shadows at the back of the class room as Boggart Snape became a spider, then a mummy, then a disembodied head. After that it was a vampire, then a Banshee. The classroom was filled with screams of fear then shrieks of laughter this lasted until the very and of the lesson and, as the bell for our free period rang, I breathed a sigh of relief, realizing that I didn't have to face the Boggart. That was until I heard something that literally terrified me. "Oh um Potter, Malfoy, please could you stay behind and face the Boggart before you leave - I don't want you missing out!" I turned around, pale-faced and wide-eyed to face the black cabinet as the classroom filtered out to just me, Potter and Professor Lupin. "Right boys, I'll just leave you to it, I'm afraid I have a rather important meeting to attend to and I'm sure that you are more than capable of performing the incantation, remember the spell is 'Ridikulus!' " Professor Lupin smiled at the both of us then left the room.

Potter glared at me menacingly and I used all my will power not to break down in fear and pain. "you go first Malfoy." Potter sneered at me. "On the count of three, one" I could feel myself shaking in fear as I turned back to the cabinet. "Two." I raised my wand in a shaky hand. "Three!" The cabinet door flew open and I was immediately engulfed in a barrier of black smoke that cut me off from the rest of the world.

Out of the smoke I saw two boys emerging. Not just any boys however, no , it was me and Potter. I watched in frozen terror as the blonde in front of me sneered 'you are good for nothing Potter.' I heard my cold harsh voice hiss . 'I'm going to kill you and everyone you ever cared for.' I whimpered at the scene I front of me , stuck to the spot , my wand long forgotten 'Then the dark lord will rise and I shall be Rewarded!' I was terrified , my worst fear was playing out before my eyes and I felt powerless to stop it. I watched in fear as the me before me raised a wand , pointing it squarely at the chest of Potter. 'Avada Kedavra!' Time slowed down around me as in slow motion a burst of green light left the speakers wand and hit Potter full on. The boy's body convulsed , went ridged , and then slowly began to fall like a rag doll . I could hear my self screaming as I rushed to the black haired boy. His emerald eyes were dulled and lifeless , his skin was pale and cold to the touch. I could vaguely hear my self sobbing as I repeated the same words over and over "I'm so sorry Harry , oh God I'm sorry! I'm a monster , a failure ! I'm so so sorry! God I'm a murderer!" I suddenly felt a presence behind me and turned around. Two people stood before me, Myself and my Father. They leant down towards me and spoke in sync 'you know , there is one way to stop this pain you feel. Your job here is done so go and kill yourself. The astronomy tower is high enough...' I could feel myself shaking and clawing at my skin as I curled up in front of the crumpled boy who lived , listening to the different suicide suggestions being made to me , and muttering incoherent apologies to the lifeless boy in front of me.

As though through a waterfall, I heard someone cry 'Ridikulus!!' And heard a loud crack. The scene around me disappeared immediately and I was back, curled up on the cold hard floor of the staff room with a shaking black cabinet and a raven haired boy staring down at me. "Malfoy?" The boy whispered and it suddenly clicked Potter had seen me broken, I have to get out of here!

Suddenly I stood up and ran towards the astronomy tower, oblivious to the tears streaming down my face, and the calls of my name from the room I had just left.

[AN] Ooh, I left you on a cliff hanger! So sorry if this chapter isn't amazing, I wanted to get something up and my thoughts were kinda just spilling onto the page in front of me without me really pre-forming the sentences !! But anyway I would just like to say THANK YOU ! 118 reads! It is truly amazing to me that I have reached triple digits already and it has made me so happy! You are all truly amazing and have made this a truly awesome experience to write so far! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THAANNK YOUU!!
You have no idea what I was like when I found out! I literally ran out of my room and sprinted down stairs, freaking my parents out by squealing like a drowning pig. But anyway, moving on from that, I'm thinking of changing the name of this book from 'Forget This Tommorow ' to 'The Demons Within,' what do you think? Love you all so much, bye!

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