Chapter 12

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Draco's POV

As I left the divination classroom, an unusual feeling of nausea began to rush through me. My breakfast may have only consisted of a single slice of plain toast but to me that was the most I had eaten since the end of my second year. I felt fat. I was fat.

I rushed to the closest bathroom and closed the door of one of the stalls, locking it and casting a muffliato charm on it. I then shoved my index and ring finger down my throat and gagged. I felt myself emptying the contents of my stomach into the toilet before repeating the process another three times until I was sure that I had emptied my entire stomach and I was just dry heaving. My head was spinning slightly as I slid down the wall of the stall and allowed the tears that had been pricking the backs of my eyes to fall down my impossibly pale face.

'Terrible difficulties lie ahead.' The words of my prediction came back to my mind. I began to panic slightly. Though divination is just pure guesswork , I had always considered myself to be quite a good seer and Professor Trelawny had said herself that I had a definite future in the subject. Though most people , including my past self, consider the subject to be a complete waste of time , I had come to realise that almost everything that both I and Professor Trelawny had ever predicted had come true so I began to rely heavily on the subject.

What you learn after studying the art of divination for long enough , is that knowing the future does not allow you to change it , it simply allows you to prepare for it. With this knowledge in mind , I shakily stood up and left the bathroom. I stood by the mirror and looked at myself in disgust taking in every imperfection and fault before washing my face free of tears and casting a freshening charm on my breath and leaving the room.

The walk back up to the divination tower was uneventful , I was trying to figure out what form of future telling I was going to use. I reached the trap door and knocked on it gently , watching the silver ladder unfold to allow me entrance. As I climbed back into the now empty room , Professor Trelawnly whispered gently "you wish to know more about your troubling dice, don't you my child."
I nodded and Trelawny just smiled sadly at me. "Oh Draco -" I flinched slightly "You of all people know how hard we have found it to read your future , it is shady and dark and full of the same black smoke that clouds the corners of your mind." I nodded again, looking down in defeat. "But I will be happy to attempt to add a little more detail to what the die have already told us." I looked up with a little glimmer of hope in my eyes and thanked the Professor that I had already spent so much of my free time with.

Professor Trelawny and I headed to the back of the classroom and into her office, where we picked up a crystal ball. The ball was made of pure diamond which swirled with a pale white smoke and little figures that appeared for less than a second before fading away once more.

Just as we were about to start the reading, Professor Trelawny gave a shuddering gasp and began shaking feverishly. I had only seen my Professor like this once before , when she made a prophesy and, sure enough, when the woman began speaking it was in the same voice that was used previously. I listened intently and prepared to commit what was being said to memory.

'Before their sixteenth year dies,
The silver eyed one that has for so long tried to evade their arranged future,
Shall be forced to take on a challenge far bigger than himself,
He shall have to make choices unbecoming of his age,
For ultimately , the decision of which boy's blood shall be shed, will be his...'

When Professor Trelawny finished speaking, she coughed and then looked up at me as though nothing happened , ready to read my future. Before she could continue however, I spoke "Professor , you just gave another prophecy." She gasped, "really? Well go on my child, what did I say?!" I preceded to repeat the prophecy and then we began to attempt to decipher the meaning of it. "You said their sixteenth year Professor, not the. I assume that was referring to an age then, rather than a date?" She nodded and replied saying
"so when this prophecy takes place, it will happen to a sixteen year old boy.-" she sighed "-that poor boy will have to choose someone to kill..."
"It seems that way, do you have any idea who this boy is?" I replied, dreading the answer. Professor Trelawny just looked at me sympathetically "I think that we both know the answer to that Draco." I nodded , feeling my stomach drop in fear of what I would have to do. "My dear child, do not worry about what is to come, think about the present and the choices you have to make now , after all , a prophecy is not a prophecy until it comes true , you have another year to wait yet. I sighed and a ghost of a smile crossed my lips briefly . This woman that was hated by many students and laughed at by most, was the person that had for the last five years acted as the closest thing to a mother that I could get. It was quiet crazy really. "Thank you professor , really." She just smiled at me almost lovingly and said. "My child , if only you could see how much you've changed, your past does not define you Draco , nor do your parents . You are the true owner of your fate and I know , when the time comes for this decision of yours to be made. You will do the right thing."

[A/N] HEY GUYS!! Early update today! Not sure why, but Trelawny and Draco seemed like two people that could come to an understanding, so I made that happen. Also, can I just say -- THREE HUNDRED READS!!!!! YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HAPPY THAT MAKES ME!! I would like to thank boyxboyisbae and dramaqueen142 especially because they have both been sooooo supportive! But I love you all xxx

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