Chapter 17

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Harry's POV
(Whilst Draco is getting his soul sucked by Dementors)

The Game was in full swing and I had just spotted the snitch. I had been racing unrivalled for the whole match and so I believed that catching the snitch would be easy. I was slightly concerned as to where Draco was however - I had never not seen him for an entire match.

adrenalin pumped through me as I chased the snitch higher and higher into the cloudless sky. Suddenly, I spotted something up ahead. A swarm of black crowded in a sphere. My blood ran cold as I realised what they were. Dementors. But they weren't interested in me. Not a single one of the hooded monsters made a move towards me. It was as though they were all magnetised to one thing in the centre of their swarm. Then it clicked. Dementors are drawn to People - especially those who have suffered great sadness. Draco has been missing for the entire match. Draco is in there!  

I flew closer towards the swarm and saw , in the midst of the black monsters, a ghostly pale figure hovering in the middle of the air back arched slightly and arms stretched out like wings. Draco. He looked like a broken angel , his outline hazy as the monsters around him did their worst. I froze for less than a second before whipping out my wand and conjuring my happiest memory.


A silver blue stag burst from the end of my wand, cantering head first into the heart of the Dementor swarm , scattering the black nightmares away from the pale broken boy. Every thing moved in slow motion. Draco stayed hovering in the air for a fraction of a second longer before he began to plummet down towards the hard ground and terrified students below. I began to chase after the falling figure as though he was some morbid version of the snitch.

Twenty meters away from the ground - I was feet away.

Nineteen meters - in line with the boys ankle.

17 meters - flying next to his chest as the screams of students , teachers and players echoed in my ears.

15 meters - I grasped an arm around the boys waist.

13 meters - I pulled him onto my broom and began to pull up

10 meters - I wrapped myself around the unconscious body and prepared for impact.

5 meters my broom had finally slowed down enough for me to have a vaguely controlled landing.

2 meters - I lost my balance and fell off my firebolt , curling around the limp form or Draco Malfoy to create a human cushion.

I hit the floor on my back with a sickening thud and Draco was curled into my chest dead still, ghostly pale, and icy to the touch...


It was the evening of the match and I was sitting on the stall next to Draco's temporary hospital bed. Draco had come round about an hour after the game but he had done nothing except stare blankly at the ceiling. It was like he was awake and there but trapped behind a glass wall. Every now and then , he would whimper and squirm slightly but other than that he could still be unconscious.

"What's wrong with him Madame Pomfrey?" I asked shakily. "Why isn't he responding to anything?"

Pomfrey looked across at me sadly "The poor boy was attacked by over a hundred Dementors Harry. Though he didn't receive the entirety of the Dementor's kiss he may well have lost a fraction of his soul in the process. It could take weeks for us to get a response out of him." I gaped at the nurse. Weeks? What if he never recovers? What if he's stuck like this forever?

From the bed that the unresponsive Blonde was inhabiting , a series of muttering began. It started of quiet and unintelligible but became progressively louder and more urgent "n-no please d-don't PLEASE I-IM S-SORRY HARRY!" I started at the sound of his pain and whimpers and looked pleadingly up at Madame Pomfrey. The woman nodded briskly in return and turned to leave the room , pausing at the door and smiling sadly at the scene in front of her "if you don't want anyone to know about this friendship , I won't tell them. Such a strange turn of events..."

When Pomfrey left the room , I scooted onto the thin hospital bed , next to the quivering , blank eyed boy. I wrapped my arms around his waist as he continued to mutter fearfully and began to whisper soothingly to the blonde boy. "Shhh , it's okay - you're okay. The Dementors have gone. Whatever you are seeing isn't real. I'm real. I'm next to you, hugging you, begging you to wake up from whatever this is. Fight Draco. Listen to me and forget what you think you can see. It's just a nightmare whilst you are awake." Suddenly, something sparked in the smaller boy's eyes. A glimmer of life, recognition. "H-Harry?" He whispered hoarsely "yeah , it's me Draco. How do you feel?" Draco looked up at me , his silver eyes swimming with an emotion that I had never seen before. "Harry? H-have they gone? T-he D-dementors I mean?" I nodded "yeah they've gone. Dumbledore sent them off the grounds after the match. You don't have to worry." The Blonde slumped into my chest in relief. "I-I thought that they had kissed me H-Harry. It was like I was trapped in a cage in my brain. I could see and hear everything around me, but I was being blocked from reacting. I thought I would be stuck like that. Maybe it would have been better if I was stuck like that. It would stop me from hurting any-"

I cut off the blonde's ramblings by leaning down and pressing my lips against his light pink ones. Sparks of electricity danced up and down my spine as I brought my hands up to Draco's cheeks , filling the kiss with as much love and emotion as I possibly could.

I pulled away from the kiss as Draco looked up at me astonished. "Woah" he whispered "woah." I agreed. Draco smiled a little and said "you have no idea how long my subconscious has wanted you to do that for." I chuckled slightly at the little boy in front of me and whispered back "if it's as long as my subconscious has wanted it, I think I've got a pretty good idea."

[A/N] AWWWWW CUTENESS! Our babies kissed! Hope this is satisfactory!
Also, 500 reads?!?! THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH!!!!

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