Chapter 19

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Draco's POV

The Christmas holidays were rushing towards me more and more quickly and my days were beginning to pass more smoothly. Having Harry around to check and comfort me really made a huge difference. My once shaky walls had become the beginnings of a fortress and the blackness was receding to a small (but constant) nagging feeling. I was proud to be a full 5 weeks clean from cutting . I had often gone to pick up my blades but somehow Harry always seemed to know when I was going to cut and had sent me a letter or appeared in person to be a shoulder to cry on.

Something that I was less proud of however, was my eating. Ever since the day I threw up my toast, I had kept the habit. I hadn't yet had any meals without emptying my stomach almost immediately after. I couldn't help feeling fat . Every time I ate it was like I was swallowing another ton of negative thoughts and self hate. These thoughts had to get out of my system so I threw up. Harry didn't know about that.

It was the weekend before Christmas break , Harry had sent me a note by owl asking me to meet him on the Quidditch pitch at 7pm. That note is what had me walking through the darkened grounds of Hogwarts with dew covered, knee length grass drenching the legs of my robes towards the looming black mass that was the pitch. Though it was deep into winter, the night air was (for once) pleasantly warm and the moon shone brightly in a star spangled sky. When I reached the pitch, a glittering golden light caught my eye coming from behind the goal posts. I walked slowly over to light source and found a beautiful scene.

A thousand tiny fairies hovered in the air mirroring the stars above . Others sat inside of little jars that lined a beautiful plaid picnic blanket. On the picnic blanket, there was a small whicker basket, mine and Harry's broom sticks and a suitcase cassette player which was playing 'Wonderless' by pierce the veil. I gasped, we had never discussed music tastes and yet he had managed to choose my favourite band.

Suddenly , two arms slid around my slim waist and a chin sat on the top of my head. I instantly snuggled into the neck of the notorious Harry Potter and spun around so that we were facing each other. "Hey." Harry whispered. I smiled at the taller boy. "It's beautiful" I breathed out in blissful joy. Harry smiled down at me and led me to the blanket. "I hope you don't mind the music - I didn't know your taste so I just put in my favourite band," I gasped again and squealed slightly "it's my favourite band too!" I shouted happily as Harry laughed. "in that case ferret we have a lot to discuss!" I glared playfully before sitting down next to him. Harry wasn't having the lack of contact though , he pulled me down so that my head was in his lap looking up at the sky.

As Harry unpacked the basket full of picnic foods, a familiar jittery feeling began to rise up within me. I pushed it down forcefully, determined not to ruin this night and decided that I wouldn't throw up until I reached my dorm later. I was handed a plate and began to fill it with scotch eggs , sausage rolls, salads and all sorts of finger foods.


Harry and I finished our beautiful meal at around 8pm and I felt more full than ever before. Surprisingly though, I didn't feel the need to get rid of the food. After Harry packed up the basket, he stood up and collected two broomsticks from the corner of the blanket. "One on one?" Harry asked smirking and opening his palm to reveal the walnut sized snitch. "You're on" I replied grabbing one of the brooms and mounting it shakily. I was slightly nervous as I hadn't ridden a broom since the 'incident' but I was determined to not let anything ruin this night. Harry to mounted his broom and started counting down from 3 "okay ready? 3...2...1...FLY!" He released the snitch and it immediately disappeared into the night as we flew upwards. We smirked at each other once more and Harry said "let's dance". He zoomed off and I followed his tail closely. We shot upwards and bolted downwards, doing corkscrew turns and loop the loops laughing and whooping into the darkness outside my head.

Suddenly a glimmer of gold caught my eye, hundreds of feet below Harry. I tilted my broom directly downwards and shot like a bullet towards the ground below. I could hear the tell tale swishing of Harry gaining on me and urged my broom to go faster.

Soon Harry and I were neck and neck, our hands stretching out in front of each other feet away from the snitch. Finally I was close enough. I made a mad lunge for the snitch, and missed. Instead, my hand closed around Harry's wrist. We looked at each other faint blushes painting both of our faces. Harry began to slow down and I followed suit until we were hovering statue still in the air. Our hands had met and we were facing each other, fingers and gazes interlocked. "You're are the most beautiful thing on this earth right now." Harry breathed. I chuckled slightly not breaking eye contact. "I'm the exact opposite of beautiful Harry , I'm broken beyond repair." I replied with a smile still on my face. "I've never seen something break so perfectly. Besides, I'm pretty good at fixing things." Harry smiled at me before leaning towards me slowly . I leant forward too and eventually the gap between us disappeared and our lips were on each other , soft pink to deep red. Harry placed one of his hands on my chest so he was balancing on his broom with just his legs. I moaned slightly at the touch allowing Harry's tongue to enter my mouth , deepening the kiss. I swear that if this was a movie, a whole factory of fireworks would have gone off. The butterflies in my stomach had began pounding against my skin, threatening to explode out of me. The bliss I was feeling was unrivalled to anything I had ever felt before. It was incredible, pure happiness coursed through me as we finally pulled away.

We just sat there , staring at each other , grey lost in green as the star filled night froze around us and peaceful silence filled the night. At last, Harry broke the beautiful silence, slightly opening his fist he revealed a glint of gold , he spoke two simple words.

"I won"...

AN - DONE FINALLY! This took me four attempts to write something I was happy with😂 as I said before I'm not great at romantic scenes but I'm pretty happy with this xx O M G GUYS WE DID IT!! 1K READS!!! I COULDN'T HAVE DONE IT WITH OUT YOU SO THAAAAAANKKKK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!! I LIVE YOU ALL XXXXXXXXXX


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