Chapter 14

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[A/N] I know that this chapter should technically be ch. 13, but I'm really superstitious. and 13 is an incredibly unlucky number so I decided to skip it.

Draco's POV

It was dark by the time me and Professor Trelawnly finished trying to analyse the prophesy so I decided to just go back to the dorm and skip dinner. As I was walking, I heard voices getting closer to me . It was Mr Filch talking to a student. "Well , well , we are in trouble aren't we. I just love punishment, don't you? Why if it were my choice , I would have you whipped raw and then hung in the cellars by your wrists. Teach you to drop ano..."
But I didn't hear the rest of Filches ramblings , my mind was suddenly overtaken by the strongest memory of last summer...

I was sitting in my room , finishing off the last essay for Professor Binns when I heard a sharp voice shouting at me from downstairs "Boy! Get here now!" Fear coursed through me as I wondered what I had done wrong now. Slowly , I stood up making my way to the door.

I hadn't been fast enough . As I reached for the handle, the door swung open, hitting me in the chest and knocking me off of my feet, leaving me staring fearfully up at the seething face of my father. "What have I told you about keeping me waiting boy?" I shook slightly , looking away from the fury filled face. "I said: What. Have. I. Told. You. About. Keeping. Me. Waiting? ANSWER ME!" I jumped violently as a ring-clad hand collided with my face , drawing blood. "
T-the longer y-you w-wait, t-the harsher the p-p-punishment." I stuttered out fearfully. Fathers face twisted into a cruel smile. "Exactly boy. And you left me waiting for far to long , so the punishment shall be ... Severe." I cowered away from the intimidating figure in front of me until he reached out a hand and grabbed me by the collar. I kicked out desperately but it was no use. I was only 12 and was very scrawny and weak.

As my father began dragging me through the house, I yelled for someone to help me. I had been punished plenty of times before but for some reason , today seemed like it was worse than usual. The only reply I had to my calls was the sound of my father laughing maniacally . I was dragged through almost the entirety of my house until we reached an underground area that looked damp and dark. I assumed that we were under our lake. A heavily bolted door that I had never seen before stood ahead of me and I shook in fear, knowing that this was to be my worst punishment yet. My father unbolted the heavy door with a little difficulty and it swung open creaking forbiddingly from lack of use. Inside the room however, was a complete contrast to its exterior . The walls and floor and everything were white and the very air seemed as sterile as that of a hospital. There was no breakage of colour among the white. It was as blank and expressionless as a canvas.

I was thrown into the room , my body hitting the floor like a sack of potatoes before I heard my father cry "CRUCIO!" And a wave of pain shot over me. I was being burnt alive , and pricked by needles, I was being hammered with rocks and hit and kicked all at once and I couldn't let myself scream. I couldn't give him that satisfaction. The pain stopped suddenly and I was given around ten seconds of recovery before I was pulled up right by my hair , making me whimper out in pain. "You truly are a pathetic excuse for a boy." My father hissed in my ear before letting me drop to the floor once more and walking away slightly towards the back wall of this plain white room, leaving me twitching from the aftermath of the cruciatus curse. Looking towards the man, I saw him scanning his finger on the back wall and it opened soundlessly to reveal a terrifying array of torture weapons and chains. Knives, whips, ropes , cat o' nine tails and many other things lined the walls and I began to quiver desperately , attempting to back away and being met only by the other white wall.

My father advanced on me slowly, Holding a chain and hand cuffs  in his pale hands. I began to cry. Father ripped off all of my clothes except my boxers and then pulled me up once more and attached a set of hand cuffs to either wrist. He then took the other side of each hand cuff and attached them to two little hooks on the wall that stretched my arm span to its limit. He then bent down and chained my feet together and to the wall so I was stretched so tightly that the only movement I could make was my shaking. My father then walked to the wall of tools once more and picked up the cat o' nine tails and a small , blunt looking knife.

I stared in fear at my father's angry face and he said to me in a voice of pure venom "well boy, today your real training begins." I whimpered once more and then screamed in agony as the cat o' nine whip lashed across my stomach drawing blood and causing my whole body to convulse in pain , again the whip came down across my thighs , stinging like a thousand mosquitoes and causing Crimson blood to splatter down onto the cold white floor. This was repeated on my shoulders and again on my stomach until it seemed as though there was not a single patch of skin that didn't burn in unbearable pain.

Suddenly my father pulled out his wand again and muttered "vigilate" whilst smirking at me. My eyes widened - I knew what that spell did . It meant that no matter how much pain I was put through, I would not fall unconscious.

Pocketing his wand , father drew out the blunt but still deadly knife and began to gauge something into my bleeding , injured skin as I screamed and writhed in agony. "Pathetic" he whispered into my ear as Crimson blood spilt down my snowy white skin and dripped onto the already blood soaked floor , joining the puddle that was already there.

My father began to undo the chains and hand cuffs that bonded me to the wall and, through my tears and whimpers, I sighed with relief thinking that we were finally done. As though he could read my thoughts however, my father laughed and hissed "oh it's not over yet boy." And he spun me around , chaining me to the wall once again so that I was facing it and then gouging three deep long lines down the length of my back with the knife, causing the most unbearable pain yet, and then whispering "whenever you see those scars in the mirror , I want you to remember exactly what's coming next.

I felt my boxers being pulled down to my knees.

I heard the sound of a belt clattering to the floor.

I felt something hard poke my butt as I screamed over and over in fear.


I felt a hand touch my shoulder and I jolted out of my memories with a start, flinging myself away from the person in front of me , still thinking that it was my father . I curled up with my back to a wall as a cowered away from the man until his voice finally reached my ears "Draco, Draco! It's okay , it's just me , it's just Harry." I stopped trying to pull away immediately . Harry? I looked up and , Sure enough, a raven haired boy looked back at me with emerald green eyes filled with concern. Without thinking about what I was doing, I flung my self at Harry , wrapping my arms around his neck , begging for some kind of comfort .  "T-they , h-he tortured me Harry! W-whips, kn-knives!"

I felt Harry wrap his arms around me and pull me into his strangely comforting embrace whispering shushes and 'your okay now' s into my ear as I sobbed into his Gryffindor robes...

[A/N] Long chapter this time!! Now you know some of the things that Lucius did to poor Draco. But the worst is yet to come 😳

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