Chapter 18

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Draco's POV

It was the morning after the Dementor attack and Madame Pomfrey was giving me one final check up before releasing me from the hospital wing. As she bustled about the place, she smiled and said "you gave us quite the scare there Mr.Malfoy. Why, I don't know what Mr.Potter did to 'wake you up' but it worked. That boy could be great for you Draco, don't let him go easily." I did a double take and stared at the matron "excuse me?!" I said shocked. "Don't take me as a fool, I may not have seen the way you react towards him, but I did see the look on his face when he brought you in here. You can't fake an emotion that well."

I smiled faintly at the matron before standing up out of the hospital bed, thanking the lady, and walking towards the door using the walls here and there as a support for my slightly weak legs.

Outside of the hospital ward, a familiar raven haired boy stood leaning against a wall, looking effortlessly cool. And beautiful. "Hello there my little ferret." I spluttered incredulously at the nickname and glared sternly into the eyes of the speaker. "That was one time! ONE TIME!" Harry chuckled at my anger with undisguised amusement and spoke softly with a slightly more serious expression "How are you feeling Draco?" I shrugged, smiling lightly "fine now, you?" Harry took a few steps towards me so that we were almost chest to chest (well head to chest). He spoke softly to me "I can think of something that would make me feel even better." I felt my breath hitch.
"Oh yeah? What's that?" I breathed.

Within a second, Harry had crashed his soft pink lips onto mine. Right there, in the middle of the hallway. I was on tiptoes, my arms wrapped around the tall boy's neck. Getting lost in the blissful feeling of his lips on mine, the love and safety that I felt there pulsating through my veins.

Suddenly, I pulled away, a realisation hitting me. "I'm gay..." I whispered. "Oh my fuck I'm gay - my father is gonna kill me! We are in a hallway, someone could have seen us! Shit I'm an idiot! You can't love me! I'm me! No one can love me!" I was pacing back and forth, pulling at my hair in panic at the thoughts rushing through my head. I felt Harry place his hands on my shoulders and spun around, instantly calming down as I stared into his bottomless emerald orbs. "I'm sorry" I whispered, "it's just a lot to take in you know?" Harry nodded understandingly and drew me into a hug, whispering sweet nothings to me as I took in his addictive scent. He smelt like a walk on the Quidditch pitch in the early mornings of summer. Fresh cut grass and morning dew mixing with a distinct scent of vanilla. As I pulled gently away from the hug, I looked up at the Raven haired boy questioningly. "What are we Harry? What is our relationship now?" Harry smiled down at me, a slight dimple in his left cheek. "Well Mr Malfoy, would you do me a great honour of being my boyfriend because , as you can see, I'm about as gay as a rainbow eating skittles , and all my love is for you." I chuckled slightly and smiled "of course I will Mr.Potter." I replied.


"You know-" Harry said as we walked down to the great hall , "Christmas break is coming up soon , and I'm staying here , are you going home or do you wanna make plans?" I sighed sadly as I looked up at my taller counterpart. "I really wish that I was staying here and could make plans , but my father wants me to go home. We should meet up somewhere on the closest weekend to Christmas before I have to leave and celebrate early together." I replied. Harry nodded at me smiling. "That sounds perfect my little ferret." He said smirking in amusement at my beetroot red face. "ONE TIME HARRY!" I shouted before beginning to chuckle as me and my boyfriend walked down the deserted halls of hogwarts at five in the morning, hand in hand and laughing...

[A/N] SORRY THIS IS LATE! It's a bit of a filler chapter but I needed fluff so y'know xx what do you think? Let me know! 700 VEIWS!! OMG OMG OMG! THANK YOH ALL SO MUCH I LOVE ALL YOU LOVELY WIZARDS , ELVES, ALIENS, HIPPOGRYPHS (or bloody chickens) AND ALL OTHER MAGICAL BEASTS!!
Oh yeah! I need to share this story! So I was walking through town the other day and I was wearing this Slytherin scarf and there was this quite good looking guy on the other side of the road and I could tell that he was looking at me so I turned to look at him and he just shouted across this road 'TEN POINTS TO SLYTHERIN!' I stopped in my tracks and he stopped too and we just stared at each other for like five seconds before I just shouted "THE MUGGLES KNOW!!!!" Right at him and just sprinted away 😂😂. It was fucking hilarious!

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