Chapter 24

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Is it truly bad to be lonely if being with others puts them in danger? If there are claws wrapping you in a bubble of isolation, is that not a blatant sign? If you are trapped in a mind that is twisted and warped with black fear and intrusion, is it not better to keep the risk to yourself?

But what if someone bursts that bubble? What if they force themselves into your thoughts? What if suddenly you aren't alone? What if this person can stand you? Can teach you companionship, then friendship, even love? Do you accept it? Can you accept it? Of course you want to, it's such a change! Such a new wonderful feeling!!

But then of course, good things are only ever temporary for those who don't think they deserve them...

Harry's POV

Pain. So, so much pain.

Red hot fingers pressed to my forehead, needles stabbing into my chest,
Iron bands squeezing my lungs,
Poison attacking my mind with flashes of bright, bright, far to bright, light.

Then faces.

A locket?
Oh God Draco
Blood on walls
On floors
A Mangled blonde
Sweaty hair
Bones at horrible angles

Then silence

The pain is boring now
Nothing compared to the boy on the floor
Not a breath
Not a sound

And then a pulse

And a new fight
A tiny throbbing in the neck
He's alive!
And the pain is back now
But he's alive!
And the screaming is not mine
But it's using my vocal chords
And my voice
But it can't be mine
Because my pain doesn't matter
Not when he's alive

A battle wages behind eyelids
A desperate attempt to open them
To warn someone, anyone that he's alive!
He's alive but in pain
And we have to go help him!

And then there's open green eyes

And the pain is still there
And the yelling is still coming from me
And my hands are strained white
Gripping bedsheets
And there's red
Red everywhere
And oh opening eyes really didn't help

And then there's voices

Frantic familiar voices
Is that Ron?
It sounds like him
Panic edging his tones
But there's more

And then there's sight

No more red
Shapes and colours come into sharp focus
But the exrutiating pain is still there
Yells blocking the ability to speak
But he's alive!!!!
He's alive and I have to get to him and help!!

And then I'm sat up

Sat up and breathing hard
Forcing my mouth shut and the yells to stop
And I'm talking
Hoping that they understand
Because I really don't
I can't hear myself
but I think I said the right things

And then we are moving

I'm staggering
Then I'm floating
Floating above the ground
But I'm not
I'm in the arms of someone
Whose face is that?
Strained with worry
Framed in a mane of black

And then I curl into his body

Twitching and shaking because
This pain is torture
And I think he's talking
'It's alright, you're alright'
Am I?
I don't even recognise what the words mean
So they could be right

And then there's green

Spinning and twirling
I think I've been sick
Acid burns my tight tight throat,
burns lines down my face from my eyes
And I'm still spinning
And green licks at my body
And everything is still too bright bright bright

And then there's a room

And there's yells
And flashes
And I'm shaking
And my ears are pounding
And it's all too much
But he's alive!!
He's alive and here and I have to get to him!

And then there's running

And I can sense that he's near by
And there's corridors
So many corridors
Stairs now
Hundreds of stairs
And oh god I must be dying

And then there's white

So much white
And my vision's getting cloudy again
But I can see him!
And there is so much Crimson
Pools of maroon liquid
And I'm out of Sirius' arms
And I'm stumbling to him

And then he's here

And I'm standing by him
Half collapsed against a wine splattered wall
And I'm falling
Falling falling falling
And everything has finally slowed down

And then I'm lying next to him

Pools of burgundy around me
And I'm still trembling and twitching
But I have to check he's still alive

And then I'm raising a twitching shaky hand

Check the neck!
Two cherry covered fingers
on porcelain pale skin
And it's so cold

Nothing nothing nothing nothing

Check the wrist!
Frantic hands scrambling to the wrist
A faint throbbing

Boom boom boom boom

He's alive!!

And oh god that's all that matters!
But I think I'm dying
But that's okay
Because he's alive!

And then green eyes are closing
And shaky hands are gripping bleached ones like a lifeline
And everything's fading
But - but he's alive
And that's all that matters

Because he'll be okay

And I may've not saved the world
But I saved my world

And everything is so slow slow slow

And it's cold

And the pain is numbing

And a bushy haired girl is clinging onto my shirt and making it wet

And eyes are closed again





Authors note
Yeah so this is supposed to be hectic so don't like say anything about grammar cos it's supposed to be like that :) I know that this is crappy sorry xoxo

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