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Deep breaths, everything is going to be fine.

That's what I kept telling myself this morning. A whole new day and I still haven't got word from my mother. She's been holding up in the bathroom all morning without saying a word to me. She was an oddball, but I still love her to this point.

From what I remember, we are still the only ones left of our kind so far. Her belief is that there might be more of us out there, but I'm not sure about it. I saw with my own eyes that my kind was destroyed by those humans, but I am part of those monsters.

Society has grown so much ever since my transformation. At first it was a dragon's empire then the next thing we knew was that humans were born and destroyed us all. None of us saw it coming.

My whole life is now surrounded by these monsters and they still treat us the same way. Humans are ignorant to the others around them. They think that they are the superior species, but once I am able to transform, I'll-

"Vipie! Come on, you're first day at school isn't going to start itself!" My mother called from downstairs. I hate that new nickname she gave me.

"Um.. yeah, I'm coming" I quickly changed out of my pajamas and into my school uniform. School was so limited back then, but now it welcomes all. That is if you can still pay for it.
Though I still didn't understand why I needed it. I've graduated from all classes and college, yet she still insists.

I made my way downstairs and took in a whiff of pancakes. Blueberry pancakes to be specific, plus my favorite in the morning.
"Hello, Vipie. Did you sleep well?" My mother didn't look back at me as she kept her eyes on the pan with intense focus. "Oh yeah.. I slept alright"

"Really? I guess all that roaring was just an imagination?"

She caught me.

"Well.. I.. um.."
"You had a nightmare, I know. You've been having them for a long time now, what's wrong? Was it about last night's lasagna? I know the smell was bad, but I didn't think it would turn out to be a monster!"

"Mom, stop panicking. It's totally okay. Lately I was having dreams about Dad and the others.. Ever since their deaths, I couldn't help but think that I could have done something for them.. but I just stood there like a coward" My mother looked back at me. Worry struck in her eyes clear as day.
"Oh sweetie.. you shouldn't say that. I know that you must feel really bad and you would have tried to help, but he was only trying to protect you back there. If he hadn't got up, you would have been dead. You already were vulnerable, so it would have been too easy for them to take your blood" She turned off the heater and put the pancakes onto our plates. "I miss them too, but they saved us"

"But we could have saved them! They lasted for another year right after my transformation, so we could have gotten out onto the battlefield to help them"
She only sighed and handed me my plate as she walked past me. "Your teeth are sharpening again"

I poked at my teeth. Sharp as a knife. It would have taken a while for it to go back to normal, but I still have an hour.
I took a seat across from her. It was noticeable that she was trying so hard to keep a smile off her face. What was so funny?

"I'm sorry, but you look so ridiculous with those fangs as a human" she chuckled. "It's still unnatural for a human to have such sharp fangs like us"
A soft smile grew on my face. My mother really was something, but serious. She couldn't keep serious even if she tried.

"Ah anyway, let's go over our list." She got up from her seat to go into the drawers. My mother came back with the clipboard with a list of items.
"Uniform, check. Cleaned up... check. Breakfast.." she ate part of a sausage then drew a checkmark. "Check!"

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