Chapter 9: Secrets

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Distorted by lust and love, I had to choose. My lips desired more and more to where it made me feel so much more alive. It has been so long to where I craved for something I did not need. It would not be long until my body would eventually break. Arms of desire pulled me down into oceans of lust, and I was close to drowning.

I fixed my suit as I walked up the tall stairs. As I approached the top floor, my eyes stared down at the crowd below. My golden orbs tracing each human as my hand pushed back my black hair, and oddly it was a bit of a mess even when I have not laid a finger on it.

It was finally time for me to find out what was up these stairs. Maybe it wouldn't take too much time so I would not be so suspicious, but I needed every last second to understand what I was invited to. Ryan nor Anya explained this castle to me, so in my curiosity I have to do this for myself. 

There were various of hallways through each door, and I think I could lose myself in this place. If I'm not careful, I'll get lost.. and I'll have to force myself out of this place. That would suck.

"Alright. First things first.. Find a door, and stick with it. If that doesn't work out, then just find someone and follow them into a room." I nodded to myself, my hand in my pocket as I walked. As long as I looked normal, there was nothing to be worried about honestly. There was not much security there to guard this area. "They're bad at their job.." I laughed.

Freely moving around, I began to open doors left and right, trying to find my way. Eventually I became lost in the halls, and having no way of remembering where I was going. Though, I didn't care for it much. My only goal was to find out what was going on, and that is what I would find.

My eyes narrow as I entered another room. It was dark, and a bit smelly in here. Even with my enhanced eyesight, and ability to see in the dark, it was very hard to understand what was in this room. This was to the point where I needed to back out of the room and mark it, just so I can remember that this was a room I needed to come back to. Placing my signature, it was just a simple scratch with a fire symbol in the middle. It wasn't too difficult, but it was something that I could remember.

Taking a step back, I headed out to look for a light source before I came back. A torch, or even a candle would have been something I could have worked with. Though, I feel like I was forgetting something. Thinking for a moment, I just remembered that I could breathe fire!

"Dammit, how can I forget that? I'm a fire breathing dragon for crying out loud." I mentally punched myself, then slowly turned around to face the door. "Being human.. It is wearing me out." Twisting the doorknob again, I opened the door and entered the black room.

I have no idea what I was, but it really stinks in here. What has been in this room? Or who? Questioning that to myself, I blew fire onto my hands and looked around the room. Strangely, it was a large room.

There was not much to see, but luckily the flames on my hands spread out enough light. Though, I could hear things within these walls, which were disturbing. "Hm.." All I could do right now was to ignore it, I couldn't see anything nor hear anything that would scare me into fighting it.

I could hear small crackles underneath my feet, making me look down. From what I saw were feathers and small egg shells on the floor. That was odd to see in this in a castle, which brought me to a question. What were feathers and egg shells doing here?

Picking up a sample, I examined it for a moment. The feathers were oddly familiar looking, plus the egg shells had a strange blue coloring. Though I have seen normal bird eggs that could have been blue, the patterning was very ugly. Yellow and along with purple on it was a dissatisfying look. The feathers were brown and the tip of it was white. What is this thing?

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