Filler Chapter 2: My Little Crush

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A/N: This is an alternative universe btw.

Nerdy Alice + Preppy Viper

Badump.. Badump..

I could have sworn that I would have felt my heart bursting out of my chest. My hands brushed against the corner of the wall as I watched her talk to that strange group. I would have never thought that she would have joined a group like them, but that doesn't change my feelings.

"Viper.. That's still a weird name." My ears perked at Seth's voice as he spoke to her. I could hear her chuckle as she brushed off his comment.

"Well yeah, but I guess my mom just liked that name." Viper shrugged it off and adjusted the backpack strap on her right shoulder.

I didn't know what it was, but I loved almost everything about her. Was it because of her laugh? Was it her smile? Was it her kindness? I don't know what it is, but there is something that just draws me to her!

Pressing myself against the wall, I hid myself away from their view as I felt my heartbeat faster and faster. There should be something that would have distracted this feeling, but I can't find anything.

That was until I saw Oliver walk my way. That boy held a confident smile as he came towards me. At first, I wanted to ignore him, but I realized that he was running towards me and was waving like a madman. It was even worse once I realized that Viper and her group could hear him.

"Alice! There you are!" He called out my name.

"Huh? Alice?" Viper's voice blocked out Oliver's, causing me to blush hard.

I had to make an instant decision before I humiliate myself in front of everyone. Unfortunately, I turned around the corner and ran directly into Viper's group. They were all staring at me with strange stares.

Sonya, Viper's girlfriend, gave me a quiet scowl as she looked at me up and down. "Watch where you're going." As much as I wanted to argue with this bitch, Oliver was already behind me to get my attention. His hand was on my shoulder, making me squeak.

"Why did you run off? Come on, we have to go to class." The chocolate haired boy smiled down at me then he looked up at the group. I could sense the uneasiness with their presence before patting my back. "Uh.. Let's hurry." His eyes were on Sonya for a good second, and she was staring right at him as well.

"Go off with your little boyfriend!" Ashton grinned at us, pointing her tiny fingers up at us. It was awfully weird to see her do that, especially with her height. A tiny girl like her makes me uneasy, and I'm pretty short.

Viper put a hand on Ashton's shoulder and shook her head. "Leave her alone, guys." This is when I began to blush hard once again. Her gorgeous, golden eyes were locked onto my emerald orbs as she smiled. "Sorry about them. They can be a little.. too much."

"Hey! What is that suppose to mean?!"

My mouth just hung open as I was at a lost of words. Viper Sodiac actually spoke to ME! Is this reality??

"Of.. Of course! It's my fault that I came in out of nowhere." I apologized quickly before doing a 180 and grabbing Oliver's hand, rushing down the hallway as fast as I could.

"You have a crush on her?! No way!" Oliver exclaimed, and I'm actually surprised that he didn't know this. I thought it was pretty obvious.

"I mean, everytime I approach her.. I'm just breathless when she even looks at me. Can you blame me?! A glance into her beautiful eyes will bring you into another universe that you can never return from." My heart was beating faster at the thought. "If I even have a simple conversation with her then I think I will die happy."

"Girl, you are going a little too far with that, but okay. I get that you love her, but if you ever confessed your feelings for her and she rejects you.. what will you do?"

"I.." I guess I never thought about that. All I could ever fantasize was that she would be close enough to me to where I would be happy forever. If she did reject me, I would be terribly heartbroken that.. it wouldn't be good, especially since I've held these feelings for years.

Badump.. Badump.. Badump..

Viper and I used to know each other when we were younger, but once she entered middle school, it was like she changed into something different. I mean this was a good change, in some way. At first, Viper was such a serious, but goofy kid whenever she hung out with her closest friends. I was one of them, but we began to be distant because of our classes.

Once she was in middle school and made new friends, she became.. much more charming. She would flirt with boys and girls alike, and it seemed to have won them over. Her popularity rose so fast that I began to disappear from her memory. Although it hurt, there was some kind of hope in my heart that she still would remember our childhood friendship in some way.

"I'm going to look on the positive side and hope for the best. If she does reject me then.. I'll just find something to distract me." I held a smile on my face, but I knew that Oliver saw something else in that smile.

"Did you hear? Prom is coming up.. Damn, who should I go with?"

"I don't know, but how about that one girl? I betcha that she would enjoy you!"

"Shut up, man! That isn't funny!"

I heard that duo argue back and forth as they approached Viper's table. Sometimes I would think that they were a couple, but I guess they weren't. There was one time where a student would go up to them and ask if they were dating, but they would always shout out saying that they weren't gay for each other.

My eyes drifted away from them as I turned to Viper. She looked so happy as she spoke to her friends, and I was so jealous that I wasn't the one to speak to her. What made it so much worse was when she was laughing at their jokes.

Tapping my feet impatiently, I looked around quickly. "Where in the world is Oliver? It's been a good ten minutes, and he still isn't back from the lunch line?" I grouched as I stood up from my seat. He normally never takes this long, but what is holding him this time?

I swear to God if he was messing around in the bathrooms again, I'm going to punch him in the gut. I hated it whenever he would ditch me during lunch, and I was left alone in an empty table. It was just so awkward!

As I speed walked down the hallway, I could hear his laughing, and it was already making my fist raise up as I approached the corner. He was about to get it, but of course I wasn't going to actually hit him. This was just one of those play fighting, or something like that.

"Stop moving, you're ruining the moment.." This is where my feet came to a halt. That voice.. Why was she..

"Haha, please. Don't even worry about it. You already know that I can make it up to you." Oliver's soft chuckles made me freeze harder. This was REALLY bad. What in the world was he doing with her?

Gulping hard, I took a deep breath and walked around the corner. The two froze in place and I could see Oliver's eyes widened. Sonya and Oliver quickly pulled away from each other. I tried my hardest to have a glare on my face, but I just somehow couldn't. I was shaking.

"So you really did have a girlfriend, Ollie. What a waste." Sonya brushed it off as she turned her attention to me. "What the hell are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in the cafeteria with the rest of the punks?"

Ignoring the bitch, I turned to my friend. "What the hell are you doing with her?!"

"Does that matter?"

"Yes, it does! You are out here with this cheater--"

Footsteps cut me off as I heard a breathless gasp. I didn't even have to look at her, and I could tell that she was confused, but also upset at the sight. "Sonya? What were you doing?"

A/N: Ahh.. Fillers, got to love them. Anyway, this is going to have a pt.2.

The main chapter is probably coming up this or next week, but I might have a delay if hurricane Irma does come by my state.

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