Chapter 7: The Invitation

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It has been a week since Sonya and I have spoke. My head has been aching ever since our.. 'incident.' I don't know if I should complain, but for my first time I honestly wished that I could remember it instead of forgetting that night. Even when we saw each other, not one of us said a word to each other.

The slice of bread on my lips were resting there for a couple seconds as I was lost in my thoughts. My eyes were staring into space, as my thoughts began to fade. Soon enough, I had no idea of what I was doing. My mother was sure that she knew it.

"Vipie, are you alright? You seem.. a little lost." She brought me out of my thoughts, making me shake my head to regain the rest of my consciousness. "Did you eat something funny last night?" 

"No, mom." I took a bite into the plain slice. "I'm just a little tired, that's all. It could be from the lack of sleep." My mother soon gave me the longest glare once I said that. I could only return her stare with a confused one.

"Don't give me that crap! You stayed up for almost a month without food and sleep!" It's been a while since she's ever raised her voice at me, that it brought me into a shock. She began to calm down and took a deep breath as she pinched the bridge of her nose. "So.. What is it, really? I'm sure it is not the lack of sleep problem." Her arms were crossed and I knew she was expecting an answer.

"Well, I don't know. I haven't felt well and maybe I'm sick?" I didn't know if I was lying or not. My body felt sickly and drained, but other times I felt fine overall.

"Well.. I don't know about going to a doctor." Her hands stuck to her hips as she walked away from the dining room.

I watched her leave the room then turned my head down at my plate. My empty eyes felt weary and I let out a sigh. Getting up from my chair, I went to get a glass of water. It seemed like water was my calming source. I quickly reached for the glass and walked towards the fridge to get water. Within a few seconds of waiting, I began to drink and sit on my chair as I stared off into space again.

It seemed like I have black out again since the outside was dark out. My ears perked slightly as I heard laughing in the other room. I slowly got up from my chair as I peeked out the corner, seeing the two from last month. I didn't think those two would have came here so quickly, it has only been a month.

"Of course, Ryan! I'll be right back." I could hear my mother's footsteps come closer at a rapid pace and soon enough we were face to face. "Oh, Viper! There you are." She had a large smile on her face and grabbed my hand, dragging me into the living room.

"Viper, I'm sure you already know Ryan." I looked up at the taller male then slowly nodded. She smiled widely again then turned to the female next to him, Anya Springs. "And this is a new guest in our home, Anya Springs."

Anya held her hand out, waiting for me to shake hers. "Anya Springs.. Pleasure to meet you." She kept direct eye contact with me until I finally shook her hand.

"Yeah, always nice to see another face in our home.." I mumbled, turning away. Of course, it was not nice for another face to be in this place. It was bad enough that Alice and Natalia know of this place, plus Ryan! Now her?!

She let go of my hand and faced Ryan, leaning up to his ear and whispered. Strangely, I couldn't hear their conversation.

The two then looked in my direction. "Viper. Your mother called us to check on your.. sickness." Ryan said quietly before fixing his shades. I turned to my mother in confusion, but before I could open my mouth Anya began to explain the situation.

"She called us in because she is worried about you. Apparently, you are not feeling so well.. plus you say that you have sleeping problems?" She rose an eyebrow then pushed up her glasses. I took notice of her large breasts once she crossed her arms, pushing them up. I haven't noticed until now of her hourglass figure, it was so hot. Seeing her cold blue eyes was crazy sexy compared to anything else, I always had the hots for the intimidating girls. I just want to- Wait, what? What am I thinking?

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