We all make mistakes
It's the story of the human race
We say things that we shouldn't say
We play games we should never play
We sometimes ignore the bigger picture and walk away
Before looking back in hindsight
Only to realise that we should have stayed
But by that time it's too late
All we are left with now are painful reminders
Of those times in the dark
As we desperately try to rebuild and make a brand new start
The knife that leaves a permanent scar
As the cold, unforgiving steel twists and turns
Breaking your heart
Waking up in the middle of the night
Unable to sleep
Haunted by hellish nightmares that a bottle of Night Nurse will do little to ease
As you once again relive those memories
That send an ice cold chill through your bloodstream
The drop of ink that spreads into a violent smudge
Becoming a telling blot in your copybook
One that lets you know that you weren't good enough
The doubts that linger in your mind
The clock that tells you you're out of time
The one wrong that you can't put right
No matter how hard you try
The X that marks the spot of the cross
We will have to bear forever
Sometimes we don't read the signs
Those ones that spell out danger
We do it now and pay for it later
I guess you could say that's human nature
But before you do something in future
First be sure to do yourself a big favour
And remember that you can't escape the consequences of you actions
Or scrub out the past with an eraser