Reflections On Love

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And one day,

Maybe not so far away

I will find you

Whoever you are

Like a far out gleaming star

You shine as I do

For someone unknown to marvel at the view

Who are you?

I want to know the depths of your soul

Every crevice of your being I want to explore

I want to dance in your light

And be blinded at how bright

It gleams

So luminous you cause such a stir

As my heart flutters to catch the little photons

Oh what a stir you do cause in me

You have picked up my entire world and inverted it

You have changed me as I have changed you

And now we grow like something new

But it doesn’t matter how I may change the tense

From future to present I am still waiting

Striving for patience filled with malcontent

I want a love so potent it cripples me in my awe

And they may say I am disillusioned 

That this does not exist

And I am here to tell you now

That I don’t mind waiting if it takes a lifetime to find

Because I will have such a grand reward

And call me what you will

But I will not surrender a single flower or frill

That grows in the garden of my heart

Instead I will water them and shed light

Upon them, so they don’t become bitter as before

And I have gone far too long thinking

There was something wrong

With the way I operate

But that isn’t it at all

I now know

I can only be patient

And pray I find the one who will

Rescue me from this place

I do not want to wake up one morning

And find my heart has slowly slipped away

I want it to be stolen, taken against my will

I don’t want to be in control

I want goose bumps with every thought of you

I want us to reach an understanding so deep

That it scares us both

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