Aquarium Heart

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I blew out the windows in my aquarium heart

I meant to warn you of the broken glass from the start

I tried my hardest to calm the creatures swimming inside

To placate their life, and cause them to hide,

But they would not settle and the water would not rest

And so the double-plated glass had become distressed

Its silica structure had begun to crack

A cascade of broken bonds from its crystal lattice stack 


The fissures grew deeper and the water oozed out 

Drop by drop, a network of millions of tiny spouts

And all at once a series of explosions transpired 

Spectacular simultaneous blasts as if they conspired 

The fluid rushes out and the critters follow 

Spilled are the contents of my vessel once hollow 

The fish flop, and the shattered shards embed themselves

Oh what chaotic catastrophe is brought to those who delve


The windows, my looking glass now a mosaic of tragedy 

The consequence of making these fluttering fish my enemy

However, they survived the sting of the glass

As we put them in a bowl to watch the time pass

And we fed them fish flakes to appease their appetite

Twilight dinner dates to watch them swim with delight

But it was a fleeting moment that I soon forfeit 

As I took the once open door and then closed it 


Back to the shallow puddles the aqua-animals go

With hungry eyes they look to you their life they owe

Left to die in stagnant pools

Divided are the once glittering schools 

Alas the shell of my heart after the mighty swell

Makes gasps for air as it resides under your spell

Then punishes itself yet again consenting to exile

Only to behold my body whole caving and collapsing in sloppy style 


But amongst the pelagic pisces something began

A strange force of gravity pulled inward all that swam

And all that swum had just begun –to awaken 

This was their final battle –they would not be shaken 

The water now sparkling rose with gentle urgency 

And in my heart's core formed a sphere of splendorous intricacy 

From the relic fragments arose stained glass panes 

And thus my aquarium heart had windows once again

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