Chapter Five: Percy

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Chapter Five


Percy was feeling great. He may have almost just died, but he was a demigod, so that basically happened everyday.

When Percy asked if they knew anything about Greek and Roman mythology, the teenagers all turned to Hermione, and seemed extremely surprised when she shrugged. Her answer was, “I never thought I would need to know about it.”

“Well,” Percy began, “all of the myths about them are real.”

Percy waited to let that sink in. He explained a few of the supposed myths, and then the commotion began.

Harry said, “We’re supposed to believe that?” while Ron said sarcastically, “So you’re, what, gods?” with a laugh.

“No,” Percy said. “Demigods. I’m a son of Poseidon.”

“We’re not stupid enough to believe that,” Harry said, and there were murmurs of agreement from all of the teenagers except for the boy named Neville. He looked at Percy curiously, with wonder in his eyes.

“You better believe it,” Percy said getting angry. Annabeth put a hand on his arm which helped calm him down.

“Why? Give me proof,” Harry said sternly.

“Could I do this if I was a mortal?” Percy said, and then used his gifts from Poseidon to use the water in the office to create a trident that fit perfectly in his hands.

“It could be a spell,” Harry said.

“A spell?”  Percy asked. Now it was his turn to be curious.

“Tell them, children,” Professor McGonagall said. “They can be trusted.”

“Fine, we’re witches and wizards,” Harry said.

Percy was about to protest thinking that couldn’t be true, but Percy once thought that the Greek and Roman myths were just that—myths—but they weren’t so Percy thought, This might actually be the truth.

So Percy said, “Okay.”

“That’s it?” Harry said shocked.

“Yup,” Percy said.

“You believe me?” Harry said in disbelief.

“I once thought that what I was couldn’t be true, but it is, so I believe you,” Percy replied evenly. “And why would you lie about this, why would any of us lie about this?”

“I still don’t believe you,” Harry said.

That was enough. Percy’s control broke. Before he could register what happened, Riptide was in his hands—in sword form—and at Harry’s throat. Harry yelled, “Stupefy!” and flicked the stick he was still holding which Percy guessed to be his wand.

When nothing happened, Harry asked, “Why aren’t you stunned?”

“They’re immune to magic unless it’s cast by the gods,” Chiron said from behind Percy, obviously speaking to the wizards and witches.. “I am Chiron, and I would suggest you do not anger my students.”

Annabeth pulled Percy away from Harry as Harry said, “Okay, I believe you. Could I have some time to think about this though?”

Without waiting for an answer Harry barged out of the room, and Ginny went after him quickly. Hermione and Ron gave a sad smile and then followed the two out of the room. The last boy, Neville, glanced at Percy and said, “I believed you all along, you know.”

“I noticed,” Percy said gratefully. “Thank you.”

Neville nodded and then left the office.

“You will be sorted into your houses tonight,” Professor McGonagall explained to Percy and the other demigods. Upon seeing their confused expressions she explained what she was talking about, and then talked with Chiron about what the demigods would do.

It was eventually decided that the the demigods would stay and teach a fighting class and a Greek and Roman mythology class during their stay. Percy, Annabeth, Thalia, and Jason would teach the fighting class while the rest of the demigods would teach the Greek and Roman mythology class. Even though they were technically teachers, they would each be staying in one of the four houses: Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin.

When dinner time came, Percy was nervous, for the Sorting Hat would see all of Percy’s secrets.

A/N Dun-dun-duh! Drama! Please vote, comment, and follow!

Question 6=What is the name of the Quidditch captain from Harry's first year at Hogwarts?

Oliver Wood

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