Chapter Ten: Harry

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Chapter Ten


Harry admitted to himself that he was just a little excited for the demigod's classes. But Harry still wasn't fond of the newcomers. They seemed too perfect. Especially the boy who seemed to be their leader, Percy.

Professor McGonagall had told Harry the night before that the demigods had suffered even worse than what Harry had. He didn't believe it, he couldn't imagine anything worse than Voldemort.

Harry listened to Ron and Hermione with half an ear as they headed to the new fighting class. Harry mainly wondered how they would teach everyone. Harry also wondered if they were really all that good with a sword, he thought they were just pretending so that they could give themselves fake respect.

When they arrived, Harry was surprised to find that they were the last ones there. The demigods didn't say anything though, they were busy talking to each other. Harry, Hermione, and Ron took their seats and Harry saw Draco sneer at them through the corner of his eyes.

Harry was also surprised to see racks of weapons all around the room. He wondered how they could all be there even though they only had about half an hour to set up.

"So," Percy began looking at the class.

Harry watched Percy turn to his friends and then sighed when he saw them all looking at Percy expectantly.

Percy continued. "My friends and I will be teaching you how to fight without wands. In this class you'll learn how to fight with swords, spears, daggers, and a bow and arrow. I will be teaching you how to fight with a sword, Annabeth, a dagger, Jason, a spear, and Thalia, a bow an arrow."

Harry watched as Percy explained that today would be demonstrations and then the next day they would begin with weapons. Percy asked Jason to come forward and then they both drew their weapons.

Harry watched them fight as he thought, From what they said, it sounded like they were better than this!

For the rest of the class Harry pretended to have interest in what was going on, but his thoughts weren't really focused on anything. Luckily, Harry was aware of when class ended or else it would have been embarrassing. His other classes were fine, just the usual, except they were getting harder because of the N.E.W.T.S. he would end up taking later on in the year.

Mythology was another thing entirely. It was the second of the new classes taught by the demigods, and while Piper and Hazel were the responsible ones, keeping the class in order, Leo was being . . . Leo.

While Piper and Hazel named gods and goddesses, he would say interesting things. For instance when Hazel talked about Nemesis he muttered, "Met her. Stupid fortune cookie! Pac-man wheels." And when Piper talked about Dionysus he said, "Grumpy old man. Stupid maenads. Crazy dolphins!"

And the same was for when they began rattling off the names of monsters. He would say things like: "Fought him, not nice," and "Hot girl, for someone as cold as ice." He even said, "Flame on, evil espresso drinks!" when talking about some weird monster called a venti.

Nico, Frank, and Grover just stayed off to the side, occasionally interrupting with information on a certain monster.

Dinner was mildly entertaining, except for the ghosts. The boy-Nico-was actually telling the truth when he said he could control ghosts.

Peeves was being Peeves, but he got a little too close to Nico, and he was grabbed by the ear. Harry was stunned no one could tame Peeves except for the Bloody Baron, much less grab his ear.

Nico grabbed Peeves by his ear and dragged him out of the Great Hall. He returned a few minutes later wiping his hands, and when he sat back down he said, "What did I miss?"

"Nothing," Harry replied sullenly as Percy bumped Nico's fist with his own.

A few minutes later Harry caught a glimpse of something on Percy's arm that was black. He gasped and thought, He's a Death Eater!

Percy excused himself early and a few seconds later Harry did too. He dashed out of the Great Hall and caught a glimpse of Percy as he turned around the corridors and walked outside. Harry chased after him quietly.

Percy finally stopped at the edge of the Black Lake and before Harry could do anything, he whipped around and tied Harry's arms together with water that he had solidified.

"Why are you following me?" Percy demanded.

"You're a Death Eater!" Harry shouted.

"Who would want to eat death? Even Hades doesn't do that," Percy muttered.


"You'll know when you have your first mythology class," Percy said. "Now why do you think I'm one of these, 'Death Eaters?'" He put air quotation marks around Death Eater.

"Your tattoo," Harry said smugly, thinking he caught him.

"My tattoo? Oh! You mean the SPQR tattoo." Percy pulled up his sleeve and revealed his Death Eater tattoo, except, it didn't have the Dark Mark. In fact, it was nothing close to the Dark Mark. Instead, there was the letters SPQR, one stripe, and a trident.

"It means I've served in the legion for a year now," Percy stated.

"Legion?" Harry asked.

"You'll most likely learn about that in mythology too."

"I still don't trust you," Harry said before he could stop himself.

"Have I ever given you a reason not to trust me?" Percy asked in a voice that sounded like he was trying to contain his anger.

"Well, when we talked in Professor McGonagall's office you pinned me down with your sword and you still have my hands tied up."

"Sorry," Percy said as he released Harry's hands. Percy then turned back to the water, his back facing Harry.

Harry ignored that and continued. "I can't believe Professor McGonagall said you've been through worse than I have, you don't look like much."

Percy whirled around and shouted, "You have no idea what I have been through!" He stormed off back to the castle, and Harry waited a few minutes before he followed.

As soon as he entered the common room he was pinned to the floor with a knife to his neck by the blonde girl-Annabeth. "What did you say to him?"

Harry obviously knew who "him" was. He shrugged. "Just that I doubted he could have been through worse than I have."

Annabeth dug her knife into Harry's neck, and suddenly he understood why the other demigods-plus satyr-respected her and Percy. They were both frightening.

Harry saw Percy come and yank Annabeth off of him, but he didn't thank him. He just stood up without giving them a second glance.

From the corner of his eyes he saw Percy open his mouth, about to say something when another voice said, "Harry Potter. You should regret making Perseus your enemy."

A/N The question is different for this chapter, but here it is:

Question 11=Who do you think is the person who just spoke?

I will not spoil the answer to this question, but here's a hint: the person who spoke has never gone to Hogwarts, Camp Jupiter, or Camp Half-Blood as a student.

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