Chapter Nine: Percy

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Chapter Nine


That night Percy had the same dream, except this time it was worse. Much worse.

The beginning was the same, but this time Percy was able to witness what his “master” had told him to do. When the dream was no longer blurry, Percy was shocked. He found himself in the forest at Hogwarts where their new training arena was. Professor McGonagall had told Percy and Annabeth about it when she pulled them aside after they demonstrated their powers.

Percy’s mirror image was standing in front of the rest of the demigods along with the wizards. “What’s up, Seaweed Brain?” Annabeth asked.

“You must die,” not-Percy said to her.

Annabeth gasped when she noticed not-Percy’s eyes and shouted to the others, “He’s been possessed!”

They nodded and started attacking, but Percy noticed how they were being careful not to wound him.

Not-Percy had no such hesitation, and Percy could see his friends were losing. He watched in horror as not-Percy killed them off one by one until only Annabeth was left.

She gasped again and said, “Percy! No! Think of who you really are!”

But not-Percy continued, and silenced Annabeth by stabbing her all the way through the chest.

Percy woke up shouting “NO!” and immediately his friends raced over to him, his shout having woken them up. Percy saw Harry groan and roll over on his bed, but Percy paid it no attention.

“What’s wrong,” Grover asked.

“Demigod dreams,” Percy said simply.

The boys nodded and began getting dressed—it was already morning, Percy just acted as an alarm clock for them. Thoughts of the dream were pushed to the back of Percy’s mind during the day. Today was his first day of teaching fighting with Annabeth, Thalia, and Jason.

Professor McGonagall took them to their classroom early so they could set everything up. When they arrived, Percy realized they didn’t have weapons for the students to use.

He pointed this out to Annabeth who said, “Artemis gave Thalia a magical duffel bag before we came and said she’d know what it was for when we got here. She said that Thalia just needed to wish for something and it would be in there. She wished for swords and other weapons.”

“Ah, cool,” Percy said.

The four of them got the weapons out and stacked them on the racks that were provided by Professor McGonagall.

“Ready?” Annabeth asked grabbing Percy’s hand.

“As I’ll ever be,” he replied.

“So,” Percy stared at the class in front of him.

He then turned to Annabeth, Thalia, and Jason and found them all staring at him expectantly.

Percy sighed. He hated being the leader, but everyone expected him to lead, so he did without resistance.

“My friends and I will be teaching you how to fight without wands. In this class you’ll learn how to fight with swords, spears, daggers, and a bow and arrow. I will be teaching you how to fight with a sword, Annabeth, a dagger, Jason, a spear, and Thalia, a bow an arrow.”

“Today we will just give demonstrations of each weapon, tomorrow we will begin to let you handle them,” Percy continued. “Jason, if you will.”

Jason stepped forward and pulled out his gladius while Percy uncapped Riptide. “Right now, we’re just going to fight until one of us disarms the other.”

Percy waited until Jason attacked. He stepped forward and met him in the middle and parried his first strike. Jason tried to feint at Percy’s face, and trick him, but Percy saw it coming. They fought for a few minutes until Percy got bored and used the disarming technique Luke had taught him so long ago. Percy knocked Jason to the ground raised his sword to Jason’s chin in the obvious sign of victory as he stood over him.

The class broke out into applause as Percy offered Jason a hand up and said, “Good fight.”

“You too,” Jason replied. For the rest of the class, they demonstrated the different weapons and techniques that could be used.

Percy was tired when they got to dinner, but he was happy. His life was good at the moment, but just as Percy thought that, his dreams returned, the images of his dead friends fresh in his mind.

Percy ignored it and acted upbeat for his friends sake. When he went to bed he hoped that he wouldn’t have the dreams again, but hey, he was a demigod. Nothing was ever easy for him.

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Question 10=How did Harry first find out about him being a parseltongue?

In Harry's second year, he participated in a dueling club, where, when Malfoy unleashed a snake, Harry spoke to it in Parseltongue, unknowing until Ron and Hermione spoke to him later. He had spoken to a snake once before at a zoo before he started at Hogwarts, but he didn't know anything about magic, so he did not find out he was a parseltongue.

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