Chapter One: Percy

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Chapter One


I really hate shadow traveling, Percy thought as he clutched at the thin fur on Mrs. O’Leary’s back as Nico took them gods knows where. He felt immense comfort when he was squeezed around his waist, Annabeth had curled her hands tighter around Percy’s body, partly to reassure him that she was still there, and partly because of the feeling of shadow traveling. Before, Percy thought shadow-traveling was awesome, but now all it did was remind him of his time spent in Tartarus. All Percy had to say about it was: Not pleasant. Not pleasant at all.

Finally they emerged from a tree in a forest, and Percy and Annabeth gasped when they could see light again. Nico tumbled to the ground next to him, and popped back up almost immediately. Ever since the war with Gaea, all of the demigods that had participated had a much higher pain tolerance and did not tire as easily. With one nibble of ambrosia, Nico was ready to go again. After instructing Percy and Annabeth to stay where they were and promising that he would explain later, Nico shadow-traveled back to Camp Half-Blood with Mrs. O’Leary—whose strength had returned after Percy gave her a few treats quickly—to pick up the rest of the seven of the second Great Prophecy, or if you prefer, the Prophecy of Seven.

Luckily, Percy and Annabeth did not have to wait long. While they were waiting, they sat in silence, but Percy knew exactly what they were both thinking about.


They both had different memories of Tartarus when they were separated from each other, but the memories they focused on were the good ones, like when they emerged from the dark pit and into the mortal world. When they did emerge, a battle was raging. In the end, Octavian realized that the Greeks were good, and to redeem himself he sacrificed his life at the doors of death. Percy and Nico made sure that Hades let him gain entry to Elysium.

Percy and Annabeth were jerked from their thoughts as their friends tumbled from the shadows and landed next to them. As it so happens, Thalia was among them. Nico insisted that she accompany them, and when Thalia asked Artemis, she said that she must go. Percy suspected that the gods knew what was going on as well as Nico, but were deliberately keeping them in the dark.

Percy offered Jason a hand up since he had fallen off Mrs. O’Leary upon arrival as Annabeth helped Leo up because he had to travel with Nico instead of on top of Mrs. O’Leary where Piper was sitting calmly. Thalia was already standing up and brushing bits of dirt and twigs off of her silver parka, an item of clothing she had to wear as a Hunter of Artemis.

When everyone was situated, Percy strode up to Nico and said, “Okay, we’re all here, now tell us what’s going on.”

“Well, let’s first IM Chiron, because he can help me explain this all,” Nico said calmly. He plucked a golden drachma from his pocket and tossed it into the rainbow in the spray of mist that Percy had conjured. “O, Iris, goddess of the rainbow, please accept my offering. Show me Chiron at Camp Half-Blood.”

Percy chuckled inwardly as he remembered his time in Iris’s general store during his quest with Hazel and Frank. He had been struck with some illness—that wheat germ was terrible!—but he still remembered that Fleecy had changed the incantation they used and had Hazel and Percy use Fleecy’s name instead of Iris’s.

The mist shimmered and they were quickly graced with the centaur’s bright face. “Nico! Do you need my help to explain?” Chiron asked getting straight to the point.

Nico blushed and nodded. There was still traces of the Mythomagic-playing child Nico used to be lingering around inside him.

“Well,” Chiron said. “All there is to say is that you are in England, and you must meet with the people there. But these are not regular mortals, nor are they demigods. The gods and I have decided to send you to their school to observe, as well as a few other things.”

“What other things?” Percy demanded.

“I think I shall let you find out on your own,” Chiron answered mysteriously.

Percy groaned along with the other demigods, when all of the sudden they heard a twig snap behind them. The demigods turned around simultaneously and had their weapons in their hands. Percy had Riptide in his hands before he could even blink, his hand hovering over the cap, ready to twist it off quickly at any notice.

He heard a gasp and saw a man who looked almost like a giant and about five teenagers standing in front of the demigods, all staring frightfully at Mrs. O’Leary and holding . . . sticks?

A/N First chapter is up! Enjoy! Vote, comment, follow!

Question 2=Hannah Abbott is sorted into which House at Hogwarts?


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