Chapter Fifteen: Percy

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Chapter Fifteen


“You honestly think I would work for you willingly?” Percy asked.

“I’m sure you would oblige when you see what I can do,” Neculai said.

They were sitting at a table, having a meal. Well, Neculai was eating, Percy wasn’t allowed to. Percy was too wrapped up in his own shame to complain though. He would never forgive himself for what he had just done. He had hurt Annabeth.


When Neculai made Percy leave for the training arena at Hogwarts, only Annabeth, Grover, and Thalia were there.

“Percy!” Annabeth had shouted when she saw him. Thalia and Grover turned around and before Annabeth could run to Percy, they held her back.

“Look at his eyes,” Grover said. “Neville had told me before that it was a sign of being under the Imperious curse. He’s not himself right now.”

“Percy?” Annabeth said more cautiously.

“It’s time for you all to die,” Percy said stepping forward.

Faster than he ever thought he could move, Percy had Grover pinned to the floor. Before he could do any real damage besides shock, Thalia came over and kicked Percy off of Grover.

Percy jumped up right away and rolled away from the arrow Thalia sent towards his leg. He came up to her and, using water from a nearby pond, Percy tied Thalia to a tree. He then knocked Grover out using the hilt of his sword. Luckily he still had enough control to not kill his friends.

Percy walked to Annabeth and swung first. She stopped the strike with a swipe of her knife, but again, faster than Percy could imagine, he knocked the blade out of her hands. He raised his sword and swung it in a deadly arc. He created a gash in her ankle and used more water to send her flying into a tree. When Annabeth fell, she landed on her wrist and Percy knew without inspecting it that it was broken.

Percy stopped himself there. He would not injure his girlfriend anymore. With tremendous energy, he turned himself away from Annabeth, every step nearly impossible. Just before he lost control again, the rest of the demigods arrived, including Harry and his companions.

“Stop!” Annabeth shouted weakly to the demigods that were about to attack Percy. “He’s resisting.”

Percy managed a pained glance at Annabeth and said, “Attack me . . . or else Neculai won’t bring me back. . . . Hurry! Before I . . .  lose contr—” He never finished his sentence, for he felt himself going slack.

He lost complete control over his body. He felt like a back-seat driver. Trying to tell himself what to do but to no prevail. Percy watched himself fight his friends and then be overthrown, but just before the hilt of Jason’s gladius came in contact with Percy’s head—a blow that would surely knock him out—Percy felt a familiar tug in his gut, and then all of a sudden he was on the ground in front of Neculai again.

“How dare you!” Neculai shouted after removing the Imperious curse on Percy and tying him up again. Neculai swiped his hand across Percy’s cheek, slapping him hard enough to leave a mark on his face, but not his pain. “I send you to get a job done, and still you fail.”

Percy knew he was still fine if he had the nerve to smirk at him. “Guess you need to try harder, huh?”

“Crucio!”  Neculai said, waving his wand at Percy.

Pain began coursing through Percy, but not enough to affect him. Percy had held up the sky, bathed in the River Styx, gotten cut by Kronos’ scythe, and survived Tartarus. But this? It was nothing. It was like a shot at the doctors office.

“You will do better next time, now, we must speak,” Neculai said.


And now, about six hours later they were still sitting there, “talking.” It mainly consisted of Neculai saying something, Percy making a witty retort or comeback, and then more of the supposedly painful Cruciatus curse.

Percy could only hope Annabeth was okay, but he had faith in his friends.

What Neculai had just said interested Percy.

A door was opened, and Percy made sure to take note of its location. A scruffy-looking boy was tossed into the room. The boy scrambled up off his feet, fear evident in his eyes.

Neculai stood up and walked over to him. He pulled out his wand, and said menacingly, “Avada Kedavra!”

The boy fell to the floor with a thud, obviously dead. “I can kill anyone, just like that,” Neculai boasted. “Well, except for you demigods, the amulet does not allow that curse, sadly, but I can kill you in other ways just as easily. Would you like to know how?”

Percy said nothing.

“I thought so,” Neculai mused. “Now, bring in my prize!” he shouted to no one in particular. He turned to Percy and said, “I’m sure this will change your mind on supporting me.

The same door was opened but what horrified Percy was the girl they tossed inside.

Her hair once curled like a princess was dull and tangled, but her eyes remained stormy gray. Her face was a mixture of pain and fierceness, but also relief when she saw Percy. She clutched her wrist which had a splint on it, and one of her legs was wrapped in cloth, and it continued to twitch as if it was bothering her. Percy had a feeling that it was.

And it was all his fault.

Laying in front of Percy was the one and only, Annabeth Chase.

A/N Woah! How did that happen?!

Question 16=How did Harry and Dobby first meet?

Dobby was in Harry's room before his second year, and Dobby caused trouble to make sure Harry wouldn't come to school, in order to protect him.

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