Chapter Twelve: Harry

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Chapter Twelve


Thanks to the goddess they called Aphrodite, Harry had a new-found respect for Percy. A large new-found respect. When Percy went upstairs to the boys dormitory he had the urge to go up there and beg at his feet for forgiveness, but from the little time Harry had known Percy, he knew Percy hated that kind of attention.

Before heading up with him, Annabeth had told him something he still didn’t quite understand.

“What you saw, that wasn’t everything,” she had said. “There’s even more, and it’s worse. Aphrodite didn’t show you because she knew Percy wouldn’t want to tell you yet.”

“And you know?” Harry had asked. “How?”

“I was with him,” was her answer and she shuddered as she said it. It seemed as though neither of them wanted to talk about it so Harry let the subject drop.

In the morning Harry was up early, and when he happened to glance out the window he saw Percy walking across the grass.

Harry thought nothing of it though, Percy was probably just heading to the Black Lake to clear his thoughts. But when Percy never turned up for breakfast, Harry started to get worried. And he wasn’t the only one.

“Where could he be?” Annabeth muttered to her eggs.

“He’ll turn up, Annabeth,” the satyr—Grover—said.

“He always does,” Nico added.

“I know,” she said. “But it’s just like what happened last time! He kissed me goodnight and the next morning he’s gone! No trace!”

Harry felt that it was the right time to speak up. “I saw Percy this morning,” he said which immediately got Annabeth’s attention.

She whipped her head around to face Harry and asked, “Where?”

Harry answered, “I saw him walking across the grass. I assumed he was heading to the Black Lake to—” Harry stopped himself because Annabeth was already gone. He jumped up and ran to catch up with her.

Normally Harry was fast, but Annabeth was really fast. By the time he caught up with Annabeth he was panting and she was almost at the lake.

“Wait!” Harry said. “We can ask the mermaids. They probably saw something. I’ll go, I can do a bubble-head charm. I would do it to you, but I can’t do magic on you.”

By that time they had stopped and were standing at the edge of the Black Lake. Annabeth turned toward Harry and he could tell she was reluctant when she said, “Fine.”

“Thank you,” Harry said. He said the words for the spell and dove into the Black Lake. Since he had been to where the mermaids lived in the lake once before during the Triwizard tournament, he knew his way there and arrived a lot faster than his first journey there.

As soon as he arrived a mermaid swam up to him and spoke in it’s raspy voice, “The lord was captured by a man with brown hair, black eyes, and lots of wrinkles upon his face. He told us to tell his friends what happened. Are you his friend?”

Harry replied, “Yes,” and he still felt weird speaking underwater.

Harry figured that the sea creatures called Percy lord because of his father.

“And I think I know who you’re talking about,” Harry added. “Did the man say anything?”

“Yes,” the mermaid replied. “He said, ‘Spare me. I know who you are, Perseus Jackson.’ He then said some other words which knocked the lord out.”

“Thank you,” Harry said, “you have been most helpful.” He then kicked away and began his journey back to the surface.

As he swam he confirmed his thoughts. After the downfall of Voldemort, the second-most-powerful wizard, Neculai Mullo, rose to power. Harry had guessed that it was him who took Percy, and when the mermaids described him perfectly his fears were revealed as true.

He pushed a strand of seaweed out of his way and found a woman floating in front of him. “Who are you?” Harry asked.

“That is of no importance,” she answered. “I just come to deliver a message: Do not let yourself be tempted by him.”  She began shimmering and becoming transparent, Harry presumed the cause was because her message was now delivered.

“By who?” Harry shouted at her fading form, but she just smiled and repeated the message. Then, she was gone.

Angrily, Harry swam harder and finally he collapsed on the ground next to Annabeth who was sitting there waiting.

“What happened?” she demanded.

“Let me, catch my breath,” Harry panted.

“Right, sorry,” she said. She stood up again and started rocking on the balls of her feet.

Harry cast a spell to get himself dry again. When he was done he said to Annabeth, “He was captured by the second-most-powerful wizard in our world. First, now that Voldemort is gone.”

“Voldemort?” Annabeth asked. Before Harry could respond she said, “Never mind. Let’s go tell the others.”

A/N HUH! SHE SAID THE NAME! Vote, comment, follow, I don't care.

Question 13=What does Rachel say to Percy when he tries to run her through with a sword in The Titan's Curse?

"Oh my god! Do you always kill people when they blow their nose?"

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